Post by Andrei Tchentchik on Aug 14, 2019 18:46:18 GMT 2
(.#274).- If you were a Venusian, how would you choose an ambassador on Earth?
If you were a Venusian, how would you choose an ambassador on Earth?
Would you look for a fanatical follower of a zealous cult or religious, a government official who values his reputation and his pay, or someone without any basis for such a mission? Or would you choose a man who is intellectually dedicated, coherent, organized, provided with devotion and a good heart?
George Adamski, an amateur astronomer at Mount Palomar was far more loyal than your average American. He spent sleepless nights at Mount Palomar for months and years with cameras looking for UFOs. He slept during the day, and at night he was looking for UFOs with his telescope. In the early fifties he began to see mysterious lights that as the months went by grew closer and closer, until Adamski actually took pictures of UFOs that were so good that they have alarmed the Pentagon. Sharp and close-up shots in daylight of saucer-shaped metal vessels with domes, portholes, landing systems, and all taken well framed! Mother ships shaped like long cigars dropping scouting ships ... all too sharp and too close to be called weather balloons, meteors, birds, marsh gas, etc., by the Project Bluebook - the public investigation of UFOs of the Air Force - which was actually a public disinformation agency according to its former scientific director Dr. J. Allen Hyneck.
These photos were so good that the Air Force agency could not find a likely explanation for them.
Adamski then said he was telepathically contacted by the pilots who gave him the mission to prove the Venusian presence and convey the message to the world. He had gathered five witnesses, including Dr. George Hunt Williamson (listed in Who's Who In America), and they went to the Mojave Desert for the evidence. The group saw a mother ship in the distance near Desert Center (California), then they entered a path where a scout ship arrived and landed nearby. Adamski was approached by a young and handsome-looking Venusian, wearing medium-length blonde hair, which he described as, "The beauty of his person exceeded anything I had ever seen. The affability of his face freed me from all thoughts of my personal self. I felt like a little child in front of a being of great wisdom from whom emanated a great love. A feeling of kindness and infinite understanding radiated from his person with supreme humility.
Would not that be the opposite archetype of a CIA director or a Pentagon general? And what would not these people do to make believe that this divine mission is a hoax? Let's be logical!
To try to discern the truth from the fake I personally visited the house where George Adamski lived in Valley Center, California, and interviewed Alice Wells, one of the witnesses. Others in our department interviewed Adamski himself, something that skeptics ignored. KODAK's rigged photography experts concluded in their Washington DC lab, after analysis by rigging specialists, that the photos showed a real material vessel in lift at the distance and dimensions that Adamki had described. They could not find any evidence of fraud! Of course, the CFR / MJ-12 exercised control over the national press agencies that suppressed this discovery. Adamski also filmed the flying saucers in 16 mm and close enough that we can see that they are spaceships. National experts in fake photography, Walt Disney Studios, who produced "Fantasia" and other films on space, were unable to detect any hint of fraud!
As further evidence, Adamski and the witnesses (who all made sworn affidavits that all this had happened) received a piece of metal unknown to earthly scientists (which unfortunately was stolen by military analysts without no conclusions have been published). And what about this, U.S. jet planes? Air Force have been seen turning over their heads and watching this contact! Of course, they were not going to say that to the public. The pilot of the saucer also had strange shoes. Their soles have left hieroglyphs clearly indented in the sand of the desert, Dr. George Hunt Williamson has made castings of plaster (we have these glyphs). Obviously, the U.S. Air Force tried to tell the audience that Mr Williamson had invented these glyphs.
This possibility vanished in the seventies when explorers discovered IDENTICAL glyphs on a very old ruin in the depths of the Amazonian jungle, expressing a language unknown to our science. The hieroglyphics were the "keys of the cosmos" and indicated, broadly, how to build an electromagnetic system of propulsion by anti-gravity for an interplanetary vessel, based on the Four Primary Forces of the Universe who are at the basis of all matter and energy.
And Einstein's UNIFIED FIELD THEORY was completed. It has been said that glyphs are found in four-dimensional diagrams in the Temple of the highest knowledge in the capital of Venus.
The Venusian would have told Adamski to warn the public that atomic energy was far more dangerous than what the public had been led to believe and all nuclear tests should be banned ... followed by messages for peace on Earth and for universal love, etc.
In November 1952 this contact was phenomenal news in the international media and a large part of the public believed that a historical contact had actually been made with another planet. Sharp photos have been published in numerous newspapers and magazines, and Adamski has been treated as a hero during his travels to foreign capitals where many world leaders have welcomed him. This was not the case in the United States capital and at the United Nations.
Unable to bring proof of a hoax, the Pentagon simply handled the easy speech by treating Adamski as a liar without any evidence to justify that accusation. More than one attorney has certified that with a little luck, Adamski could restore the truth himself to the Supreme Court. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the Air Force told the press that Adamski had photographed and filmed the lid of an English-made bottle cooler. This has made news from around the world. However, the man who invented this bottle cooler said that it did not exist in 1952! Since it was invented only in 1959. However the main press services have published this precision in a small article hidden on the last page between advertisements where few people have seen it.
Adamski asserted that later the Venusian came back and took him on an excursion in a ship to see the back of the Moon and Mars, etc. A book was written by Desmond Leslie, supplemented by pictures of saucers hovering over the Moon and Adamski looking through a porthole from the inside of a saucer.
In a book, Adamski describes in great detail the things he saw in space and on the hidden side of the moon that no one had the opportunity to know in the period 1952-1956, since the first terrestrial satellites were are orbited around the moon and approached this star only in the sixties! The photos and observations of the astronauts verified that Adamski's information was accurate. Adamski also described lakes, green vegetation, clouds on the far side of the moon as well as inhabitants. Official NASA photos taken by the Lunar Orbiter I spacecraft and the Apollo astronauts have proven that these things are true.
NASA has not provided these photos to the press, however researchers with the required qualifications can obtain them from NASA. Photos showing large lakes and ponds on the Moon were taken by Lunar Orbiter 4 (photo number HR128, HR151-3, and clouds on HR161-3 as well as heaps of clear white clouds on the MR81 photo of Lunar Orbiter 5). Fog patches can be seen in photo 16-758 of the Apollo 16 mission. Many amateur and professional astronomers have reported seeing flashes of light, cross-shaped or triangular luminosities, moving lights and strange lights. walls or bridges over the moon for the last 150 years, all of this has been reported in newspapers and science magazines. Either they have never been read, or they have been forgotten by the public, but they are still in the boxes of the Congress library available to any researcher. The photos of the Lunar Orbiter and Ranger probes also clearly show domes, spirals, roads, and walls on the Moon when enlarged in size! NASA officially tells us that the moon is a lifeless dead world of no kind and no meteorology ... no clouds, no fog, no surface water. The pictures show us the opposite and Adamski was right.
Another problem with Adamski's discredit is: why other saucers exactly like those in his pictures were photographed by other civilians who do not know each other, in other states or nations and at different times, and often accompanied by their own witnesses. UFOs similar to Adamski's photos were seen above Maui in the seventies by many witnesses. A cigar-shaped mother ship type was seen by a large crowd in Lahaina in 1970 and photographed. He looked like one of those photographed by Adamski in the fifties. The Air Force tried to explain it as a guided missile launched from Kaui. However the missiles are not supposed to be stolen over Lahaina, moreover they have never resembled the mother ships of these photos. One of these mother-ship UFOs was filmed in Maui in 1970 by a Hollywood film producer, Chuck Wein.
Another of these so-called Air Force missiles was seen dropping a smaller explorer ship over Haleakala Crater in Maui in 1972, by Marama B. and her friend Ruth, who were doing research for our department. . A Venusian bell-shaped saucer descended at low altitude on Lahaina in May 1972 with numerous witnesses. Madellein Kodeffer took a sharp snapshot of a Venusian explorer identical to Adamski's in Silver Springs, Maryland, in 1965 (we have it on file). Tom O'Bannon photographed one of these bell ships in 1957 near Winona, Missouri. For his part, Mr. Bill Clenderson witnessed a similar vessel. Many witnesses in different parts of the world - and the investigators proved they did not know each other - drew these bell-ships precisely after seeing them closely. On February 15, 1954, two young Englishmen photographed one of these bell-ships (Stephen Darbisher was one of them). We could go on indefinitely. There are just too many pictures of the same type of ship, too many different observers, in too many different places, for too many years, to be able to ignore them ... All the Air Force can do is to ignore everything and hope that you are too busy to do your own research and your own opinion.
The Air Force also had great difficulty managing prominent men like Project Magnet's WILBURT B. SMITH whom they chose to ignore and Dr. George Hunt Williamson who they tried in vain to discredit. His partner Lyman Streeter had been silenced by the CIA, until Williamson appeared on a "hit list" of 17 men who "knew too much and talked too much." Williamson fled to the Andes mountains in the 60s and 70s to escape, according to Alice Wells (Adamski's witness) he returned to America in 1975 using a disguise. Despite a rumor that Williamson (disguised as brother Philip of an Andean monastery) was dead, in 1973 he contacted the director of our Department of Interplanetary Affairs, Gabriel Green, in the mid-1970s and was discreetly residing in Santa Barbara in California. Where is he now ? We do not know. According to an army intelligence UFO investigator in the 1950s at OAHU, Sgt. Willard Wannall, Williamson fled to South America to escape the assassination of the CIA whose 16 other people were victims. Why was Williamson, who claimed to be in contact with a Venusian secret base in South America and with Adamski, forced to silence, to flee, and to use a disguise if this was not true?
F I N .
If you were a Venusian, how would you choose an ambassador on Earth?
Would you look for a fanatical follower of a zealous cult or religious, a government official who values his reputation and his pay, or someone without any basis for such a mission? Or would you choose a man who is intellectually dedicated, coherent, organized, provided with devotion and a good heart?
George Adamski, an amateur astronomer at Mount Palomar was far more loyal than your average American. He spent sleepless nights at Mount Palomar for months and years with cameras looking for UFOs. He slept during the day, and at night he was looking for UFOs with his telescope. In the early fifties he began to see mysterious lights that as the months went by grew closer and closer, until Adamski actually took pictures of UFOs that were so good that they have alarmed the Pentagon. Sharp and close-up shots in daylight of saucer-shaped metal vessels with domes, portholes, landing systems, and all taken well framed! Mother ships shaped like long cigars dropping scouting ships ... all too sharp and too close to be called weather balloons, meteors, birds, marsh gas, etc., by the Project Bluebook - the public investigation of UFOs of the Air Force - which was actually a public disinformation agency according to its former scientific director Dr. J. Allen Hyneck.
These photos were so good that the Air Force agency could not find a likely explanation for them.
Adamski then said he was telepathically contacted by the pilots who gave him the mission to prove the Venusian presence and convey the message to the world. He had gathered five witnesses, including Dr. George Hunt Williamson (listed in Who's Who In America), and they went to the Mojave Desert for the evidence. The group saw a mother ship in the distance near Desert Center (California), then they entered a path where a scout ship arrived and landed nearby. Adamski was approached by a young and handsome-looking Venusian, wearing medium-length blonde hair, which he described as, "The beauty of his person exceeded anything I had ever seen. The affability of his face freed me from all thoughts of my personal self. I felt like a little child in front of a being of great wisdom from whom emanated a great love. A feeling of kindness and infinite understanding radiated from his person with supreme humility.
Would not that be the opposite archetype of a CIA director or a Pentagon general? And what would not these people do to make believe that this divine mission is a hoax? Let's be logical!
To try to discern the truth from the fake I personally visited the house where George Adamski lived in Valley Center, California, and interviewed Alice Wells, one of the witnesses. Others in our department interviewed Adamski himself, something that skeptics ignored. KODAK's rigged photography experts concluded in their Washington DC lab, after analysis by rigging specialists, that the photos showed a real material vessel in lift at the distance and dimensions that Adamki had described. They could not find any evidence of fraud! Of course, the CFR / MJ-12 exercised control over the national press agencies that suppressed this discovery. Adamski also filmed the flying saucers in 16 mm and close enough that we can see that they are spaceships. National experts in fake photography, Walt Disney Studios, who produced "Fantasia" and other films on space, were unable to detect any hint of fraud!
As further evidence, Adamski and the witnesses (who all made sworn affidavits that all this had happened) received a piece of metal unknown to earthly scientists (which unfortunately was stolen by military analysts without no conclusions have been published). And what about this, U.S. jet planes? Air Force have been seen turning over their heads and watching this contact! Of course, they were not going to say that to the public. The pilot of the saucer also had strange shoes. Their soles have left hieroglyphs clearly indented in the sand of the desert, Dr. George Hunt Williamson has made castings of plaster (we have these glyphs). Obviously, the U.S. Air Force tried to tell the audience that Mr Williamson had invented these glyphs.
This possibility vanished in the seventies when explorers discovered IDENTICAL glyphs on a very old ruin in the depths of the Amazonian jungle, expressing a language unknown to our science. The hieroglyphics were the "keys of the cosmos" and indicated, broadly, how to build an electromagnetic system of propulsion by anti-gravity for an interplanetary vessel, based on the Four Primary Forces of the Universe who are at the basis of all matter and energy.
And Einstein's UNIFIED FIELD THEORY was completed. It has been said that glyphs are found in four-dimensional diagrams in the Temple of the highest knowledge in the capital of Venus.
The Venusian would have told Adamski to warn the public that atomic energy was far more dangerous than what the public had been led to believe and all nuclear tests should be banned ... followed by messages for peace on Earth and for universal love, etc.
In November 1952 this contact was phenomenal news in the international media and a large part of the public believed that a historical contact had actually been made with another planet. Sharp photos have been published in numerous newspapers and magazines, and Adamski has been treated as a hero during his travels to foreign capitals where many world leaders have welcomed him. This was not the case in the United States capital and at the United Nations.
Unable to bring proof of a hoax, the Pentagon simply handled the easy speech by treating Adamski as a liar without any evidence to justify that accusation. More than one attorney has certified that with a little luck, Adamski could restore the truth himself to the Supreme Court. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the Air Force told the press that Adamski had photographed and filmed the lid of an English-made bottle cooler. This has made news from around the world. However, the man who invented this bottle cooler said that it did not exist in 1952! Since it was invented only in 1959. However the main press services have published this precision in a small article hidden on the last page between advertisements where few people have seen it.
Adamski asserted that later the Venusian came back and took him on an excursion in a ship to see the back of the Moon and Mars, etc. A book was written by Desmond Leslie, supplemented by pictures of saucers hovering over the Moon and Adamski looking through a porthole from the inside of a saucer.
In a book, Adamski describes in great detail the things he saw in space and on the hidden side of the moon that no one had the opportunity to know in the period 1952-1956, since the first terrestrial satellites were are orbited around the moon and approached this star only in the sixties! The photos and observations of the astronauts verified that Adamski's information was accurate. Adamski also described lakes, green vegetation, clouds on the far side of the moon as well as inhabitants. Official NASA photos taken by the Lunar Orbiter I spacecraft and the Apollo astronauts have proven that these things are true.
NASA has not provided these photos to the press, however researchers with the required qualifications can obtain them from NASA. Photos showing large lakes and ponds on the Moon were taken by Lunar Orbiter 4 (photo number HR128, HR151-3, and clouds on HR161-3 as well as heaps of clear white clouds on the MR81 photo of Lunar Orbiter 5). Fog patches can be seen in photo 16-758 of the Apollo 16 mission. Many amateur and professional astronomers have reported seeing flashes of light, cross-shaped or triangular luminosities, moving lights and strange lights. walls or bridges over the moon for the last 150 years, all of this has been reported in newspapers and science magazines. Either they have never been read, or they have been forgotten by the public, but they are still in the boxes of the Congress library available to any researcher. The photos of the Lunar Orbiter and Ranger probes also clearly show domes, spirals, roads, and walls on the Moon when enlarged in size! NASA officially tells us that the moon is a lifeless dead world of no kind and no meteorology ... no clouds, no fog, no surface water. The pictures show us the opposite and Adamski was right.
Another problem with Adamski's discredit is: why other saucers exactly like those in his pictures were photographed by other civilians who do not know each other, in other states or nations and at different times, and often accompanied by their own witnesses. UFOs similar to Adamski's photos were seen above Maui in the seventies by many witnesses. A cigar-shaped mother ship type was seen by a large crowd in Lahaina in 1970 and photographed. He looked like one of those photographed by Adamski in the fifties. The Air Force tried to explain it as a guided missile launched from Kaui. However the missiles are not supposed to be stolen over Lahaina, moreover they have never resembled the mother ships of these photos. One of these mother-ship UFOs was filmed in Maui in 1970 by a Hollywood film producer, Chuck Wein.
Another of these so-called Air Force missiles was seen dropping a smaller explorer ship over Haleakala Crater in Maui in 1972, by Marama B. and her friend Ruth, who were doing research for our department. . A Venusian bell-shaped saucer descended at low altitude on Lahaina in May 1972 with numerous witnesses. Madellein Kodeffer took a sharp snapshot of a Venusian explorer identical to Adamski's in Silver Springs, Maryland, in 1965 (we have it on file). Tom O'Bannon photographed one of these bell ships in 1957 near Winona, Missouri. For his part, Mr. Bill Clenderson witnessed a similar vessel. Many witnesses in different parts of the world - and the investigators proved they did not know each other - drew these bell-ships precisely after seeing them closely. On February 15, 1954, two young Englishmen photographed one of these bell-ships (Stephen Darbisher was one of them). We could go on indefinitely. There are just too many pictures of the same type of ship, too many different observers, in too many different places, for too many years, to be able to ignore them ... All the Air Force can do is to ignore everything and hope that you are too busy to do your own research and your own opinion.
The Air Force also had great difficulty managing prominent men like Project Magnet's WILBURT B. SMITH whom they chose to ignore and Dr. George Hunt Williamson who they tried in vain to discredit. His partner Lyman Streeter had been silenced by the CIA, until Williamson appeared on a "hit list" of 17 men who "knew too much and talked too much." Williamson fled to the Andes mountains in the 60s and 70s to escape, according to Alice Wells (Adamski's witness) he returned to America in 1975 using a disguise. Despite a rumor that Williamson (disguised as brother Philip of an Andean monastery) was dead, in 1973 he contacted the director of our Department of Interplanetary Affairs, Gabriel Green, in the mid-1970s and was discreetly residing in Santa Barbara in California. Where is he now ? We do not know. According to an army intelligence UFO investigator in the 1950s at OAHU, Sgt. Willard Wannall, Williamson fled to South America to escape the assassination of the CIA whose 16 other people were victims. Why was Williamson, who claimed to be in contact with a Venusian secret base in South America and with Adamski, forced to silence, to flee, and to use a disguise if this was not true?
F I N .