Post by Andrei Tchentchik on Mar 23, 2020 18:57:34 GMT 2
(.#386).- The hypothesis of the parallel universe (HPU).
The hypothesis of the parallel universe (HPU).
The evidence of abduction that has been proven to be genuine is paradoxical because it reflects the beliefs and expectations of witnesses. They do not correspond to what could come from a real extraterrestrial civilization. The following explanation tries to solve this paradox and put back all the pieces of the puzzle. We admit, however, that it is for the moment only an intellectual speculation not based on any formal proof.
In ancient Greece, men believed in the multitude of Greek gods, and sometimes saw them in heaven. In the Bible, witnesses believed in angels and other divine manifestations, and they sometimes saw them in the sky, and so on. There are multiple testimonies of apparitions of all kinds, to the extraterrestrials of today that correspond to contemporary expectations. Similarly, in Near Death Experiences (IME), the subject encounters landscapes or beings that correspond to his expectations and beliefs.
Kenneth Ring has shown that there is a remarkable parallel between IMS and RR4 (close encounters of the 4th type). Subjects have a similar psychological profile: subject prone to paranormal perceptions, possibly abused child or victim of sexual abuse and subject to mental dissociation and absorption in itself. The experiment has a similar structure. The psychophysiological consequences are similar: electrical sensitivity syndrome, kundalini syndrome ... In addition, some NDEs end ... in RR4 and we then speak of "hybrid cases".
If one turns to the East, Tibetan Buddhism describes the experiences that a subject encounters in "the afterlife" after his death as mental projections in relation to the content of his psyche.
By synthesizing what is known about EMI, RR4 and "beyond" by Buddhism, we can propose the following hypothesis:
The human imagination would tend to generate "thought forms" in "the afterlife" or UP (parallel universe), sometimes called today "the Imaginal" after the work of Henri Corbin who was inspired as for him by Sufism.
The more humans think the same thing, the more this idea would crystallize in the UP. For example, when one million Americans see Betty Andreasson-Luca's extraterrestrial drawings on television (Fig. 11-a), this form would become predominant in the UP and later visions would be standardized toward this model. Same thing when a million Americans read a sci-fi novel where the hero is taken aboard a saucer to undergo medical examinations. Etc.
The UP would thus contain the mental projections of humanity, its "collective unconscious", and its "archetypes" citing Carl G. Jung's hypothesis on flying saucers.
The nature of the visions of the UP
If the visions of the UP are mental projections, they resist however the will of the subject to modify them. There must be a minimum of faith. The subject is so convinced that what he observes is "real" that he does not imagine capable of modifying it by the sheer force of his will. Moreover, if the subject is not alone aware of the scene he observes, he can only modify it if the other observers do not resist this modification. The mystics for their part, when they are aware that they are visions, would have no difficulty in modifying them.
The people who populate the UP
There are, of course, the spirits of the dead whose psyche is still present before it is reincarnated or when it reaches Nirvana (Buddhism). For example, a subject of EMI can meet his parents or deceased friends even if he is not informed of this death, but also meet a friend who is himself having an IME that will be confirmed a posteriori citing the work of Kenneth Ring and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross].
There are also the beings who are "abducted" by the extraterrestrials that is to say that are projected in the UP, with or without exit out of the body. It seems that they can meet and recognize themselves, be victims of the same kidnapping and provide testimonies that overlap when they return to our universe, case of Christina Morciglio]. This point is important because it is during the meeting with other visitors of the UP that one could hope to find the proof of its objective existence by cross-checking the testimonies, and thus clearly eliminate the possibility of a simple hallucination. but this is still far from being formally established.
By their celebrity, the extraterrestrials type "petit-gris" (size 1.20 m, big head, big black eyes, etc.) of the extraterrestrial literature have become today an archetypal form. Their psyche would have been created and they would have acquired their autonomy of action quoting "the white man" of the Theravada who seems, too, to have been created]. We could meet them in the UP. It is possible that the same principle is applicable to the MIBs (Men in black) which reflect the public belief that the CIA wanted to keep the UFO phenomenon secret, which does not prevent some MIBs from being very strong agents. real. More recently, it seems that military entities could also be created since they appear more and more often in the testimonies of RR4. One may wonder if, after generating rumors of secret cooperation between the military and the extraterrestrials and thus feeding these ideas into the collective unconscious, the soldiers will one day be victims of their own machinations and if they will be accused of being the authors of all RR4, alone or alongside extraterrestrials, even disguised as extraterrestrials.
Location of the UP
As the name suggests, the UP is a universe parallel to ours. It would be superimposed on him. The nature of the forms that populate it is such that they escape our perception by our usual senses. Perhaps they also evolve in dimensions other than the four dimensions that are familiar to us. The superposition of the two universes is particularly clear with regard to living beings: the body in our universe would be superimposed on the spirit that animates it in the UP.
Flow of time in the UP
It is said in Buddhism that a day of "the afterlife" corresponds to several terrestrial years, from 50 years to about 150 billion years, depending on where you are, from paradise to hell respectively. This evokes the relativity of Einstein and the famous paradox of Langevin. Langevin who wanted to one day provoke Einstein presented him this paradox: if the theory of the relativity is exact, an astronaut who would travel in a rocket with a speed close to that of the light would find while returning on earth his twin brother having aged much more than him. In other words, according to the theory of relativity, the faster we go and the slower the flow of time. In the testimonies of RR4, there is also a distortion between the "UP time" that the subject experienced during his abduction and the "real time" during which he does not remember what happened in our universe. We are talking about a period of "missing time".
Moving in the UP
One can move freely and instantaneously, that is to say outside of time, in the UP, unless this displacement is done at the speed of light or at a supra light speed. This shift is towards what we expect to see: Christ during an IMS if one is Christian, a spaceship at RR4 if we just saw strange lights in the sky etc. It can also be done towards the tendencies that one carries in one's psyche, which would allow to go to paradise when one dies, if one is animated of positive thoughts.
Communication between our universe and the UP
Or it is the psyche of the subject that "topples" in the UP, either accidentally (RR4) most probably because of the action of an electromagnetic field on the temporal lobe or because of an EMI, either voluntarily (RR5) by relaxation methods. Or the beings populating the UP, like Christ or a deceased loved one, could make themselves objectively visible in our universe, that is to say, being observable by several subjects. Certain forms such as a flying saucer or an extraterrestrial could also be visible according to the same mechanism that remains to be defined: a kind of holographic projection according to some. The materializations observed during the poltergeist could also be a "condensation" of preexisting forms in the UP, but all this remains once again highly speculative. Finally, we know the cases of possession and mediumship when a spirit of the UP invests a human body ...
The beings of the UP would telepathically communicate with each other and with humans having this faculty in our universe, without problem of language translation.
Phenomenon of amnesia
As in Buddhism, when it is reincarnated, the mind forgets its previous life and all that has happened to it in the "afterlife," which, moreover, becomes rapidly terrifying, so that the abducted subject forgets Does he most often experience his abduction when it was traumatic, according to the psychological mechanism of "repression" of an injury, to find it later only under hypnosis. NDEs do not seem to cause amnesia because they are mostly positive. At most some information received too much is sometimes forgotten. However, it is questionable whether negative EMIs would not have gone unnoticed by their immediate repression, as suggested by recent research, citing the work of H. Rawlings.
Among the Greeks, the dead already drank the waters of the Léthé River (oblivion) before reincarnating.
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The hypothesis of the parallel universe (HPU).
The evidence of abduction that has been proven to be genuine is paradoxical because it reflects the beliefs and expectations of witnesses. They do not correspond to what could come from a real extraterrestrial civilization. The following explanation tries to solve this paradox and put back all the pieces of the puzzle. We admit, however, that it is for the moment only an intellectual speculation not based on any formal proof.
In ancient Greece, men believed in the multitude of Greek gods, and sometimes saw them in heaven. In the Bible, witnesses believed in angels and other divine manifestations, and they sometimes saw them in the sky, and so on. There are multiple testimonies of apparitions of all kinds, to the extraterrestrials of today that correspond to contemporary expectations. Similarly, in Near Death Experiences (IME), the subject encounters landscapes or beings that correspond to his expectations and beliefs.
Kenneth Ring has shown that there is a remarkable parallel between IMS and RR4 (close encounters of the 4th type). Subjects have a similar psychological profile: subject prone to paranormal perceptions, possibly abused child or victim of sexual abuse and subject to mental dissociation and absorption in itself. The experiment has a similar structure. The psychophysiological consequences are similar: electrical sensitivity syndrome, kundalini syndrome ... In addition, some NDEs end ... in RR4 and we then speak of "hybrid cases".
If one turns to the East, Tibetan Buddhism describes the experiences that a subject encounters in "the afterlife" after his death as mental projections in relation to the content of his psyche.
By synthesizing what is known about EMI, RR4 and "beyond" by Buddhism, we can propose the following hypothesis:
The human imagination would tend to generate "thought forms" in "the afterlife" or UP (parallel universe), sometimes called today "the Imaginal" after the work of Henri Corbin who was inspired as for him by Sufism.
The more humans think the same thing, the more this idea would crystallize in the UP. For example, when one million Americans see Betty Andreasson-Luca's extraterrestrial drawings on television (Fig. 11-a), this form would become predominant in the UP and later visions would be standardized toward this model. Same thing when a million Americans read a sci-fi novel where the hero is taken aboard a saucer to undergo medical examinations. Etc.
The UP would thus contain the mental projections of humanity, its "collective unconscious", and its "archetypes" citing Carl G. Jung's hypothesis on flying saucers.
The nature of the visions of the UP
If the visions of the UP are mental projections, they resist however the will of the subject to modify them. There must be a minimum of faith. The subject is so convinced that what he observes is "real" that he does not imagine capable of modifying it by the sheer force of his will. Moreover, if the subject is not alone aware of the scene he observes, he can only modify it if the other observers do not resist this modification. The mystics for their part, when they are aware that they are visions, would have no difficulty in modifying them.
The people who populate the UP
There are, of course, the spirits of the dead whose psyche is still present before it is reincarnated or when it reaches Nirvana (Buddhism). For example, a subject of EMI can meet his parents or deceased friends even if he is not informed of this death, but also meet a friend who is himself having an IME that will be confirmed a posteriori citing the work of Kenneth Ring and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross].
There are also the beings who are "abducted" by the extraterrestrials that is to say that are projected in the UP, with or without exit out of the body. It seems that they can meet and recognize themselves, be victims of the same kidnapping and provide testimonies that overlap when they return to our universe, case of Christina Morciglio]. This point is important because it is during the meeting with other visitors of the UP that one could hope to find the proof of its objective existence by cross-checking the testimonies, and thus clearly eliminate the possibility of a simple hallucination. but this is still far from being formally established.
By their celebrity, the extraterrestrials type "petit-gris" (size 1.20 m, big head, big black eyes, etc.) of the extraterrestrial literature have become today an archetypal form. Their psyche would have been created and they would have acquired their autonomy of action quoting "the white man" of the Theravada who seems, too, to have been created]. We could meet them in the UP. It is possible that the same principle is applicable to the MIBs (Men in black) which reflect the public belief that the CIA wanted to keep the UFO phenomenon secret, which does not prevent some MIBs from being very strong agents. real. More recently, it seems that military entities could also be created since they appear more and more often in the testimonies of RR4. One may wonder if, after generating rumors of secret cooperation between the military and the extraterrestrials and thus feeding these ideas into the collective unconscious, the soldiers will one day be victims of their own machinations and if they will be accused of being the authors of all RR4, alone or alongside extraterrestrials, even disguised as extraterrestrials.
Location of the UP
As the name suggests, the UP is a universe parallel to ours. It would be superimposed on him. The nature of the forms that populate it is such that they escape our perception by our usual senses. Perhaps they also evolve in dimensions other than the four dimensions that are familiar to us. The superposition of the two universes is particularly clear with regard to living beings: the body in our universe would be superimposed on the spirit that animates it in the UP.
Flow of time in the UP
It is said in Buddhism that a day of "the afterlife" corresponds to several terrestrial years, from 50 years to about 150 billion years, depending on where you are, from paradise to hell respectively. This evokes the relativity of Einstein and the famous paradox of Langevin. Langevin who wanted to one day provoke Einstein presented him this paradox: if the theory of the relativity is exact, an astronaut who would travel in a rocket with a speed close to that of the light would find while returning on earth his twin brother having aged much more than him. In other words, according to the theory of relativity, the faster we go and the slower the flow of time. In the testimonies of RR4, there is also a distortion between the "UP time" that the subject experienced during his abduction and the "real time" during which he does not remember what happened in our universe. We are talking about a period of "missing time".
Moving in the UP
One can move freely and instantaneously, that is to say outside of time, in the UP, unless this displacement is done at the speed of light or at a supra light speed. This shift is towards what we expect to see: Christ during an IMS if one is Christian, a spaceship at RR4 if we just saw strange lights in the sky etc. It can also be done towards the tendencies that one carries in one's psyche, which would allow to go to paradise when one dies, if one is animated of positive thoughts.
Communication between our universe and the UP
Or it is the psyche of the subject that "topples" in the UP, either accidentally (RR4) most probably because of the action of an electromagnetic field on the temporal lobe or because of an EMI, either voluntarily (RR5) by relaxation methods. Or the beings populating the UP, like Christ or a deceased loved one, could make themselves objectively visible in our universe, that is to say, being observable by several subjects. Certain forms such as a flying saucer or an extraterrestrial could also be visible according to the same mechanism that remains to be defined: a kind of holographic projection according to some. The materializations observed during the poltergeist could also be a "condensation" of preexisting forms in the UP, but all this remains once again highly speculative. Finally, we know the cases of possession and mediumship when a spirit of the UP invests a human body ...
The beings of the UP would telepathically communicate with each other and with humans having this faculty in our universe, without problem of language translation.
Phenomenon of amnesia
As in Buddhism, when it is reincarnated, the mind forgets its previous life and all that has happened to it in the "afterlife," which, moreover, becomes rapidly terrifying, so that the abducted subject forgets Does he most often experience his abduction when it was traumatic, according to the psychological mechanism of "repression" of an injury, to find it later only under hypnosis. NDEs do not seem to cause amnesia because they are mostly positive. At most some information received too much is sometimes forgotten. However, it is questionable whether negative EMIs would not have gone unnoticed by their immediate repression, as suggested by recent research, citing the work of H. Rawlings.
Among the Greeks, the dead already drank the waters of the Léthé River (oblivion) before reincarnating.
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