Post by Andrei Tchentchik on Mar 23, 2020 19:00:21 GMT 2
(.#389).- Bigfoot, exceptional case, 1975. USA.
Bigfoot, exceptional case, 1975. USA.
While some of our readers will be very aware of the UFO phenomenon, others may discover it here for the first time. We have therefore chosen to introduce this book by presenting an exceptional case which contains almost all aspects of the phenomenon and which can serve as a "case study". This case is recounted by Jean Sider in his book "Supra-terrestrial contacts, Lures and manipulations, Volume I" and it will interest both neophytes and experts because we will try to present it in a new light.
Usually, this type of case, whose content is incredible, immediately scares away scientists who quickly convince themselves of the mythomania of witnesses, while less critical minds can only conclude that there are extraterrestrials so much reported phenomena seem inexplicable in terms of other terms.
However, we will suggest another alternative in the interpretation of the facts: that of a psychological manipulation of witnesses by a military agency. At first this interpretation may seem just as unlikely to the reader, but the content of this book will support step by step each aspect of this manipulation that will be evoked below. This is to introduce the UFO phenomenon by an example that contains various aspects to make the subsequent analysis less detailed abstract for the reader.
The investigators on this case are Dr. John Deer, Ph.D., who was at the time seismologist at the US Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado, and Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., a sociologist who worked at the university. from Laramie, Wyoming. The witnesses as for them will be designated under pseudonyms. The two main ones are Barbara, John's wife who's a night-time manager at a major Colorado company, and Jim, a John's coworker and former US Air Force security officer. The investigators felt that all the witnesses involved were in good faith and balanced.
The story begins in 1975 on a ranch in Elbert County, Colorado, in an area of the Rocky Mountains. Jim, John and Barbara have jointly bought a dilapidated farm that has been abandoned for many years in a beautiful meadow and woodland site and have restored it within three months. When strange phenomena began to occur, they first considered a joke made by jokers and then their suspicions went to the military, rightly as we will see throughout this book. But, as usual, they eventually joined the extraterrestrial hypothesis because the phenomena observed went well beyond the framework of their rational understanding and pushed them naturally in this direction. Increasingly traumatized, they eventually left the place, which was probably the goal pursued by the manipulators because it must be made clear immediately that this ranch dominated a strategic area of the US Air Force perfectly visible from this height .
Here is the description of these strange phenomena:
Witnesses regularly hear unusual buzzing, all the more intense as the wind blows hard, and they have repeatedly observed UFOs emitting a similar noise. It has even happened that the manifestation of this noise is such that the witnesses can no longer hear each other talk. The buzzing does not stop even after turning off the power supply on the entire area.
As they watch television one night, Jim suddenly feels paralyzed and Barbara suffers a tachycardia (or) while Steve is panicked. Shortly after, Barbara tries to tell John this incident, but at each attempt, she begins to stammer and stammer, then her speech becomes normal again.
As John's son and student friends hike through the surrounding woods, they discover one of the cows in the mutilated herd surgically within 200 m of the ranch and feel like they're being followed on their way home. home where they arrive traumatized. In retracing their steps with Jim, they discover in the snow enormous traces (45 cm) of feet of "bigfoot" which follow theirs until inside the barn. Bigfoot is this American folk hairy and simian equivalent to Himalayan Yeti. It is so well known in the United States that it should be possible to find in toy shops complete outfits including plastic feet to leave false impressions. Some time later, Jim, along with other friends, discovers a mutilated second beast on his estate whose owner will never be identified. This beast should have crossed two barriers to get where it was found. Jim refers to the large number of helicopters operating in the area, some of which land in the middle of their fields for no apparent reason. He believed at first that these helicopters were responsible for the mutilations but began to doubt later this hypothesis, assuming that witnesses would necessarily have observed the mutilators at work.
The police officer who agrees to meet with him indicates that he is only investigating for one out of four cases, so much the mutilations of cattle are frequent in the region. We will see later that this phenomenon actually affects all the United States since the end of the 60s and is attributed either to the army or to the extraterrestrials, farmers are generally more favorable to the military hypothesis. That's why, when the policeman suggests an extraterrestrial origin to these mutilations, Jim retorts that if he has nothing better to offer as an explanation, it would be better for him to abstain. In total, the ranch will lose six heads of cattle in two years, all mutilated. The amount of the premium offered by the farmers for the capture of the mutilators is already $ 500,000 at that time.
Jim phones at the nearby military base to ask why helicopters are landing in the ranch meadows. The radar surveillance officer replied that he did not observe anything abnormal on his screens (!) And then the colonel recommends him to forget this story. Another time, Jim phones to complain that several military planes have just flown over his domain at very low altitude. The officer then asks him what he thinks of mutilations of cattle, as if to indicate that this is related. Jim replies that they are probably due to UFOs rather than to the government or satanic sects. Apparently satisfied with this response, the confiding officer forgets the defense secrecy and tells him that the base also has a lot of problems with UFOs and that staff have received strict safety instructions on this subject. Continuing this surrealistic dialogue, the officer asks: "Did you have to complain about bigfoots?" Jim replies that he saw some, and the officer outbid that the staff also received instructions regarding bigfoots! Two things one: either the base really has problems with the extraterrestrials and it is inconceivable that an officer speaks to a civilian on the phone, or, and it is very likely, our officer is only involved to an intoxication maneuver.
One night when three ranch employees are outside, they are attracted by a noise and then find themselves pursued by a bigfoot that crosses a fence of barbed wire on which Jim will later find a tuft of hair. This unimaginative scenario was repeated several times in the United States without the origin of the hair examined in the laboratory could ever be determined. The bigfoot leaves traces of feet that arrive at the ranch tonight and Jim has photographed these tracks.
Witnesses experience a feeling of harassment and feelings of depression and anguish, and clashes between them become common. Jim suspects that a real estate agent wanting to buy the cheap ranch is frightening them. But one evening, when the buzz is heard, he observes a luminous disc crossing the property at a slow pace. Two friends then tell him that two of their relatives driving in a car were chased by a UFO on the road behind the ranch grounds. Arrived at their home, they took refuge at home while all the inhabitants of the place could observe the disk remained sustenance for nearly three quarters of an hour above their car. Jim begins to seriously consider the extraterrestrial hypothesis then decides to apologize to the police officer he had rebuffed and both become good friends soon. On another occasion, Barbara and two passengers in her car will observe early in the morning a huge cone-shaped UFO.
The residents of the ranch also hear dry clicks like a car door that is closed suddenly, or blows struck on the walls of the house. One night, Jim rushes over and sees a bigfoot running away. Another night, very upset by repeated blows, Jim rushes out with his rifle and shoots the bigfoot running away. Jim is a good shooter and the creature is touched but does not seem too inconvenient. She is probably wearing a bulletproof vest! Subsequently the ranchers hear a hoarse complaint mingling with a kind of beep-beep of course the cry of the injured bigfoot. As we can see, the staging continues to be simplistic.
One night when he returns from the city, Jim discovers the three children holed up in one of the rooms and terrified since the blows have intensified during the day. Angered, he goes out to violently threaten the intruders and screams that he will never give in to their pressure. Once he has calmed down, he goes out of the house again to work and hears a "stereophonic" voice telling him "Dr. Jim, we accept!" Jim is upset, which evokes the Stockholm syndrome which is such that a victim comes to love his tormentors because they are the only ones who are able to reduce his suffering and who can thus receive his recognition.
Another night, Barbara and Jim discover that the transmission of their two cars no longer work while the vehicles are still perfectly maintained. Jim again suspects a real estate agent trying to chase them. Transmission components and gears must be completely changed.
Jim agreed to lend land as a runway to two airline pilots. Three weeks later, the events take a more dramatic turn: despite a superb weather, the plane of one of the pilot crashes near the ranch with two passengers on board. There is no doubt that the soldiers from the base below would have a negative view of flying over their territory. But for good measure and to show that the army is innocent of this crime, it is reported that two aircraft of the National Air Guard also crashed nearby while pursuing a UFO, which leads immediately to thinking that the military would also be the victims of these phenomena and not their instigators. Except that these two military planes are only a timely rumor. The day after this supposed double crash, two squadrons of fighter-interceptors, 26 planes, fly over the ranch and turn in the area for a long time as if they were looking for something. It is also reported that people who thoroughly investigated the mutilations of cattle disappeared: another rumor to dissuade the curious or physical elimination of intruders? The investigation does not say it.
One night, while several friends stayed to sleep, nine discs landed conspicuously in front of the house. Barbara observes from her window Jim who walks towards the machines when something suddenly burns her forehead and makes her fall backwards on the couch. Harry, who was at his side, immediately called and Jim ran back while the discs disappeared. During this incident, David was temporarily paralyzed. Once restored, he goes out with Jim and they hear a shrill sound that will last all night. David will then be sick for three days.
The ranchers discovered at the top of a hill a piece of burned land over 10 m in diameter where nothing will grow for a year. Jim and John's eldest son drive up to the track one night, and their vehicle seems illuminated upon their arrival by a lighthouse in a wood. They walk towards this light and find on the way a kind of box lit from inside that emits a buzz. Jim walks alone and then comes one meter away from the box, turning briefly to speak to John 's son while "the object" takes the opportunity to volatilize. Jim then tells the teenager to go home while he continues to move toward the trees. His progression becomes more and more difficult as the paralysis wins him and he stops near the light that is in the foliage. He then sees at a distance of about fifteen meters a disc lightly lit and two humanoids standing nearby. They are dressed in a skin-tight suit and look like make-up humans with bigger eyes. They express themselves in perfect English with the expressions and accent of the region. They ask Jim not to approach the "black boxes" that can be very dangerous and they immediately demonstrate: a bigfoot that was lurking in the dark goes on their order to one of these boxes and collapses as soon as it arrives nearby. "As you've seen, this box can be very dangerous," said one of the "aliens" in case Jim did not understand. As we can see, the scenario is still of rather poor quality. Jim then returns to the ranch, noticing: "Frankly, they did not make a strong impression." However, he is now convinced that bigfoots are well under the control of extraterrestrials. A total of twenty people will have seen a bigfoot near the ranch, including one of them who imitated Barbara stooping and placing his hand above the eyes to better observe.
Another strange event, an afternoon when Jim is greeted by his dog running towards him, he suddenly starts to bark furiously against him as if he had perceived an unusual smell (towards the dog). Another time, a military friend who finishes his morning jogging feels compelled to turn back several times as he tries to get back to the ranch. He explains to Jim who attended his strange ride that every time he got closer to the house something seized his mind and forced him to retrace his steps.
One night, Jim wakes up abruptly and observes through the window a being dressed in a tight suit. He will find in his room Barbara who is in a second state and very agitated. The front door then opens abruptly and when Jim goes to close it, an inner voice says, "We do not need to open your door to enter your house!" Confident what he has just heard from Barbara, she looks at him as if he had gone mad!
A weekend where several friends were invited, the current jumps around 2am while the household plays a board game. Everyone hears a voice that seems to come from the loudspeakers of the hi-fi system that tells them in essence "Attention, we allow you to stay in. We have not really caused you much inconvenience (sic). take initiatives that you would regret ... ". Daniel, one of the guests who is a specialist in electronics, is convinced that this is a sophisticated hoax and he undertakes to completely disassemble the hi-fi system in search of a receiver, but he finds nothing. On the other hand, he notes with surprise that the turntable works even when it is disconnected.
Another night around 2am, Jim wakes up suddenly and finds that he is paralyzed. He sees in his room a strange creature about 2.10 m tall whose head is covered with a cosmonaut helmet. This being seems perfectly real and Jim does not feel hallucinating. Yet the humanoid suddenly vanishes, "a bit like we put out a light" which suggests a hallucination. In total, Jim has been paralyzed seven times throughout this whole affair.
Shortly after, the harassment intensifies and ranchers begin to seriously consider going elsewhere. This is what they will do in 1979 after selling their property to people who will not report any anomalies later, possibly because the US Air Force has finally acquired this ranch through them. And this is where this story ends.
One could object that all the phenomena of electromagnetic origin observed in this case were accidentally caused by the powerful radars of the nearby military base which provides active surveillance of the airspace. But the detailed examination of the facts shows that certain electromagnetic influences are not accidental but opportune, and that very real and non-hallucinatory phenomena are also observed simultaneously by several witnesses, while certain physical traces remain on the ground.
The psychological consequences of these events were such that Barbara finally had to consult a psychiatrist regularly while being perfectly aware that he did not believe a word of these stories. She lost fifteen kilograms in four years and started smoking up to three packs of cigarettes a day while she had never smoked before. As for the two founders of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) who published this case, they died a few years later, which put an end to the investigation they had promised to investigate.
F I N .
Bigfoot, exceptional case, 1975. USA.
While some of our readers will be very aware of the UFO phenomenon, others may discover it here for the first time. We have therefore chosen to introduce this book by presenting an exceptional case which contains almost all aspects of the phenomenon and which can serve as a "case study". This case is recounted by Jean Sider in his book "Supra-terrestrial contacts, Lures and manipulations, Volume I" and it will interest both neophytes and experts because we will try to present it in a new light.
Usually, this type of case, whose content is incredible, immediately scares away scientists who quickly convince themselves of the mythomania of witnesses, while less critical minds can only conclude that there are extraterrestrials so much reported phenomena seem inexplicable in terms of other terms.
However, we will suggest another alternative in the interpretation of the facts: that of a psychological manipulation of witnesses by a military agency. At first this interpretation may seem just as unlikely to the reader, but the content of this book will support step by step each aspect of this manipulation that will be evoked below. This is to introduce the UFO phenomenon by an example that contains various aspects to make the subsequent analysis less detailed abstract for the reader.
The investigators on this case are Dr. John Deer, Ph.D., who was at the time seismologist at the US Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado, and Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., a sociologist who worked at the university. from Laramie, Wyoming. The witnesses as for them will be designated under pseudonyms. The two main ones are Barbara, John's wife who's a night-time manager at a major Colorado company, and Jim, a John's coworker and former US Air Force security officer. The investigators felt that all the witnesses involved were in good faith and balanced.
The story begins in 1975 on a ranch in Elbert County, Colorado, in an area of the Rocky Mountains. Jim, John and Barbara have jointly bought a dilapidated farm that has been abandoned for many years in a beautiful meadow and woodland site and have restored it within three months. When strange phenomena began to occur, they first considered a joke made by jokers and then their suspicions went to the military, rightly as we will see throughout this book. But, as usual, they eventually joined the extraterrestrial hypothesis because the phenomena observed went well beyond the framework of their rational understanding and pushed them naturally in this direction. Increasingly traumatized, they eventually left the place, which was probably the goal pursued by the manipulators because it must be made clear immediately that this ranch dominated a strategic area of the US Air Force perfectly visible from this height .
Here is the description of these strange phenomena:
Witnesses regularly hear unusual buzzing, all the more intense as the wind blows hard, and they have repeatedly observed UFOs emitting a similar noise. It has even happened that the manifestation of this noise is such that the witnesses can no longer hear each other talk. The buzzing does not stop even after turning off the power supply on the entire area.
As they watch television one night, Jim suddenly feels paralyzed and Barbara suffers a tachycardia (or) while Steve is panicked. Shortly after, Barbara tries to tell John this incident, but at each attempt, she begins to stammer and stammer, then her speech becomes normal again.
As John's son and student friends hike through the surrounding woods, they discover one of the cows in the mutilated herd surgically within 200 m of the ranch and feel like they're being followed on their way home. home where they arrive traumatized. In retracing their steps with Jim, they discover in the snow enormous traces (45 cm) of feet of "bigfoot" which follow theirs until inside the barn. Bigfoot is this American folk hairy and simian equivalent to Himalayan Yeti. It is so well known in the United States that it should be possible to find in toy shops complete outfits including plastic feet to leave false impressions. Some time later, Jim, along with other friends, discovers a mutilated second beast on his estate whose owner will never be identified. This beast should have crossed two barriers to get where it was found. Jim refers to the large number of helicopters operating in the area, some of which land in the middle of their fields for no apparent reason. He believed at first that these helicopters were responsible for the mutilations but began to doubt later this hypothesis, assuming that witnesses would necessarily have observed the mutilators at work.
The police officer who agrees to meet with him indicates that he is only investigating for one out of four cases, so much the mutilations of cattle are frequent in the region. We will see later that this phenomenon actually affects all the United States since the end of the 60s and is attributed either to the army or to the extraterrestrials, farmers are generally more favorable to the military hypothesis. That's why, when the policeman suggests an extraterrestrial origin to these mutilations, Jim retorts that if he has nothing better to offer as an explanation, it would be better for him to abstain. In total, the ranch will lose six heads of cattle in two years, all mutilated. The amount of the premium offered by the farmers for the capture of the mutilators is already $ 500,000 at that time.
Jim phones at the nearby military base to ask why helicopters are landing in the ranch meadows. The radar surveillance officer replied that he did not observe anything abnormal on his screens (!) And then the colonel recommends him to forget this story. Another time, Jim phones to complain that several military planes have just flown over his domain at very low altitude. The officer then asks him what he thinks of mutilations of cattle, as if to indicate that this is related. Jim replies that they are probably due to UFOs rather than to the government or satanic sects. Apparently satisfied with this response, the confiding officer forgets the defense secrecy and tells him that the base also has a lot of problems with UFOs and that staff have received strict safety instructions on this subject. Continuing this surrealistic dialogue, the officer asks: "Did you have to complain about bigfoots?" Jim replies that he saw some, and the officer outbid that the staff also received instructions regarding bigfoots! Two things one: either the base really has problems with the extraterrestrials and it is inconceivable that an officer speaks to a civilian on the phone, or, and it is very likely, our officer is only involved to an intoxication maneuver.
One night when three ranch employees are outside, they are attracted by a noise and then find themselves pursued by a bigfoot that crosses a fence of barbed wire on which Jim will later find a tuft of hair. This unimaginative scenario was repeated several times in the United States without the origin of the hair examined in the laboratory could ever be determined. The bigfoot leaves traces of feet that arrive at the ranch tonight and Jim has photographed these tracks.
Witnesses experience a feeling of harassment and feelings of depression and anguish, and clashes between them become common. Jim suspects that a real estate agent wanting to buy the cheap ranch is frightening them. But one evening, when the buzz is heard, he observes a luminous disc crossing the property at a slow pace. Two friends then tell him that two of their relatives driving in a car were chased by a UFO on the road behind the ranch grounds. Arrived at their home, they took refuge at home while all the inhabitants of the place could observe the disk remained sustenance for nearly three quarters of an hour above their car. Jim begins to seriously consider the extraterrestrial hypothesis then decides to apologize to the police officer he had rebuffed and both become good friends soon. On another occasion, Barbara and two passengers in her car will observe early in the morning a huge cone-shaped UFO.
The residents of the ranch also hear dry clicks like a car door that is closed suddenly, or blows struck on the walls of the house. One night, Jim rushes over and sees a bigfoot running away. Another night, very upset by repeated blows, Jim rushes out with his rifle and shoots the bigfoot running away. Jim is a good shooter and the creature is touched but does not seem too inconvenient. She is probably wearing a bulletproof vest! Subsequently the ranchers hear a hoarse complaint mingling with a kind of beep-beep of course the cry of the injured bigfoot. As we can see, the staging continues to be simplistic.
One night when he returns from the city, Jim discovers the three children holed up in one of the rooms and terrified since the blows have intensified during the day. Angered, he goes out to violently threaten the intruders and screams that he will never give in to their pressure. Once he has calmed down, he goes out of the house again to work and hears a "stereophonic" voice telling him "Dr. Jim, we accept!" Jim is upset, which evokes the Stockholm syndrome which is such that a victim comes to love his tormentors because they are the only ones who are able to reduce his suffering and who can thus receive his recognition.
Another night, Barbara and Jim discover that the transmission of their two cars no longer work while the vehicles are still perfectly maintained. Jim again suspects a real estate agent trying to chase them. Transmission components and gears must be completely changed.
Jim agreed to lend land as a runway to two airline pilots. Three weeks later, the events take a more dramatic turn: despite a superb weather, the plane of one of the pilot crashes near the ranch with two passengers on board. There is no doubt that the soldiers from the base below would have a negative view of flying over their territory. But for good measure and to show that the army is innocent of this crime, it is reported that two aircraft of the National Air Guard also crashed nearby while pursuing a UFO, which leads immediately to thinking that the military would also be the victims of these phenomena and not their instigators. Except that these two military planes are only a timely rumor. The day after this supposed double crash, two squadrons of fighter-interceptors, 26 planes, fly over the ranch and turn in the area for a long time as if they were looking for something. It is also reported that people who thoroughly investigated the mutilations of cattle disappeared: another rumor to dissuade the curious or physical elimination of intruders? The investigation does not say it.
One night, while several friends stayed to sleep, nine discs landed conspicuously in front of the house. Barbara observes from her window Jim who walks towards the machines when something suddenly burns her forehead and makes her fall backwards on the couch. Harry, who was at his side, immediately called and Jim ran back while the discs disappeared. During this incident, David was temporarily paralyzed. Once restored, he goes out with Jim and they hear a shrill sound that will last all night. David will then be sick for three days.
The ranchers discovered at the top of a hill a piece of burned land over 10 m in diameter where nothing will grow for a year. Jim and John's eldest son drive up to the track one night, and their vehicle seems illuminated upon their arrival by a lighthouse in a wood. They walk towards this light and find on the way a kind of box lit from inside that emits a buzz. Jim walks alone and then comes one meter away from the box, turning briefly to speak to John 's son while "the object" takes the opportunity to volatilize. Jim then tells the teenager to go home while he continues to move toward the trees. His progression becomes more and more difficult as the paralysis wins him and he stops near the light that is in the foliage. He then sees at a distance of about fifteen meters a disc lightly lit and two humanoids standing nearby. They are dressed in a skin-tight suit and look like make-up humans with bigger eyes. They express themselves in perfect English with the expressions and accent of the region. They ask Jim not to approach the "black boxes" that can be very dangerous and they immediately demonstrate: a bigfoot that was lurking in the dark goes on their order to one of these boxes and collapses as soon as it arrives nearby. "As you've seen, this box can be very dangerous," said one of the "aliens" in case Jim did not understand. As we can see, the scenario is still of rather poor quality. Jim then returns to the ranch, noticing: "Frankly, they did not make a strong impression." However, he is now convinced that bigfoots are well under the control of extraterrestrials. A total of twenty people will have seen a bigfoot near the ranch, including one of them who imitated Barbara stooping and placing his hand above the eyes to better observe.
Another strange event, an afternoon when Jim is greeted by his dog running towards him, he suddenly starts to bark furiously against him as if he had perceived an unusual smell (towards the dog). Another time, a military friend who finishes his morning jogging feels compelled to turn back several times as he tries to get back to the ranch. He explains to Jim who attended his strange ride that every time he got closer to the house something seized his mind and forced him to retrace his steps.
One night, Jim wakes up abruptly and observes through the window a being dressed in a tight suit. He will find in his room Barbara who is in a second state and very agitated. The front door then opens abruptly and when Jim goes to close it, an inner voice says, "We do not need to open your door to enter your house!" Confident what he has just heard from Barbara, she looks at him as if he had gone mad!
A weekend where several friends were invited, the current jumps around 2am while the household plays a board game. Everyone hears a voice that seems to come from the loudspeakers of the hi-fi system that tells them in essence "Attention, we allow you to stay in. We have not really caused you much inconvenience (sic). take initiatives that you would regret ... ". Daniel, one of the guests who is a specialist in electronics, is convinced that this is a sophisticated hoax and he undertakes to completely disassemble the hi-fi system in search of a receiver, but he finds nothing. On the other hand, he notes with surprise that the turntable works even when it is disconnected.
Another night around 2am, Jim wakes up suddenly and finds that he is paralyzed. He sees in his room a strange creature about 2.10 m tall whose head is covered with a cosmonaut helmet. This being seems perfectly real and Jim does not feel hallucinating. Yet the humanoid suddenly vanishes, "a bit like we put out a light" which suggests a hallucination. In total, Jim has been paralyzed seven times throughout this whole affair.
Shortly after, the harassment intensifies and ranchers begin to seriously consider going elsewhere. This is what they will do in 1979 after selling their property to people who will not report any anomalies later, possibly because the US Air Force has finally acquired this ranch through them. And this is where this story ends.
One could object that all the phenomena of electromagnetic origin observed in this case were accidentally caused by the powerful radars of the nearby military base which provides active surveillance of the airspace. But the detailed examination of the facts shows that certain electromagnetic influences are not accidental but opportune, and that very real and non-hallucinatory phenomena are also observed simultaneously by several witnesses, while certain physical traces remain on the ground.
The psychological consequences of these events were such that Barbara finally had to consult a psychiatrist regularly while being perfectly aware that he did not believe a word of these stories. She lost fifteen kilograms in four years and started smoking up to three packs of cigarettes a day while she had never smoked before. As for the two founders of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) who published this case, they died a few years later, which put an end to the investigation they had promised to investigate.
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