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(.#346).- The holographic Universe, the Matrix and the loops of time.
The holographic Universe, the Matrix and the loops of time.
April 28, 2015.
First part
Look around, smell the air, touch the objects around you. And ask yourself the following question: "What is the true nature of this universe? ". Is it possible to feel it differently? Out of the conditioning imposed by the media that make us believe that the universe is nothing other than what I see and what I am told. For some, our universe is an "intelligent" holographic "matrix", a "virtual" reality that cuts us off from something fundamental. It's an enchanted prison. And the deep reason for our wanderings, violence and suffering.
We will try to understand what these researchers mean in a two-part article illustrated by two exclusive interviews: those of David Icke and Gerry Zeitlin ...
A little warning
In this article, we will particularly solicit the reflection and imagination of the reader.
We will use physical concepts that may sound boring, but do not be fooled and put off by this apparent complexity. It is only because of the "brand image" that the media likes to convey about physical science: a world incomprehensible to the uninitiated, people like us, common mortals. It's a lie. The general concepts of physical science are accessible to all without the requirement of years of prior academic study. It's a fabulous world that can make us feel a lot about the nature of the world and our perceptions. It's a science that can help us live. However, we must humbly recognize its limits and therefore ours.
Physics, astrophysics (study of the infinitely large), quantum mechanics (study of the infinitely small) can not explain everything. Indeed, to explain a thing, a system, to describe it, it is necessary to be able to observe it from outside with, in addition, the duty not to influence it. Now, with these sciences, we are only explaining the things in which we are bathed and over which we can not have an objective and complete vision. How then to describe the world as part of it and without extricating itself from it?
Second flat well known physicists studying quantum systems, ie the life of the smallest particles constituting matter: we realized that the mere fact of observing these particles could influence their behavior. Unbelievable ? Magical ? In appearance only! This shows us that everything is interdependent, everything is connected and why not, that somewhere, everything is one. But here we enter without precaution in the "religious", in the domain of belief, in metaphysics. We wish you, dear reader, a good stay and a good trip in the world of the consciousness and the elementary particles but also in that of the conspiracy which is related to it! You will be able to judge the nature of this link ...
The strange Mr David Icke
Do we live in a controlled "prison" universe, a gigantic metaphysical trap whose illusory reality cuts us off from ourselves, from our true potential?
Is the universe AS WE PERCEVATE it, or as we perceive it to be, a gigantic trap for our consciousness? Do we evolve in a virtual reality, "built" on purpose to make us slaves? A very gnostic and pessimistic view of existence? Perhaps !
This ultra paranoid way of asking questions probably already conditions the kind of answers and has premises, fundamental prejudices about how we can approach our world. By asking these questions about the nature of reality in this way, we now consider that we live in a world of predation, of consumption in which there are prey and hunters, consumers and products, executioners and torturers. victims. Certainly, many religious and philosophers will tell you that our world can not be reduced to this mode of operation too reductive: there is the good, the beautiful, the good, there are wonders in our world that belie the predatory side debilitating, disabling and alienating from the real. But precisely, the good, the beautiful, the good exist only because evil, ugliness and malice exist. Our world is dual. It is broken up, separated, made up of parts, bricks, atoms.
We are in perpetual search for balance (what we call a thermostatic system in physics), true tightrope walkers. It's weary and intoxicating. All, at least some of us, we live with this throbbing sensation that we miss something. We are constantly weaning from this missing part, orphaned by something on which we can not put a name, a missing part that unconsciously guides all our actions, from the desire to possess to the fear of missing until sometimes and for some, we lead to madness. We are the orphans of a real deceiver!
Some researchers, in search of answers to these questions - who are we, what kind of universe do we live in, the nature of this universe does not raise this unfathomable existential lack? - have highlighted some fascinating theses . The film Matrix is an effective parable, rather exaggerated and very pessimistic. The conspiracy will add a backdrop to this representation, a set of secret societies, religions and perceptions of the world that lock us even more.
But this dark addition is not free. This is where the most fascinating part of the controversial theories of David Icke lies. Admittedly, the man has a somewhat fanciful conspiracyist reputation. Normal since it says shamelessly that our world is manipulated by extraterrestrial entities reptilian but also that the Queen of England and many other "big" of this world are reptilians.
Most of these statements seem at first glance caricatural and laughable but it is mostly a matter of method and style. He is a direct man who does not take any hindsight nor any oratory or stylistic precaution. It also seems a bit messy and operates some hair-raising shortcuts. If there are historical errors and shortcuts in these books, there is no evidence that he is telling lies. On the contrary. It's just rationally hard to swallow.
The last part of his work, that relating to the hypothesis that our universe is a matrix and a trap for our consciousness, is really fascinating and relies on many scientific aspects. As for the apparent dark side of his theory, as to why this matrix is necessarily a trap, David Icke offers us rather interesting postulates. He claims that the universe is a hologram, a projection in 3D in which our consciousness - itself endowed with holographic properties - evolves. Icke successfully extrapolates the theories and findings of some researchers, some physicists who have revolutionized classical conceptions of physics. One last precision: his "revelation" on the Matrix came to him little by little and seems to have taken a particular cohesion on the occasion of a participation in rituals under Ayahuasca in Brazil. We will talk about it later.
The man gave us in an exclusive interview additional details on his vision of the world. You can consult the contents of this interview in the last part of this file (see David Icke interview). This article is paralleled with another exclusive interview, that of Gerry Zeitlin, an astrophysicist who worked for the Seti project and who does not quite share the views of David Icke. He believes that the metaphor of the universe as a hologram should not be taken literally and he adds that we will certainly find a better image to illustrate what our universe looks like as we advance our science and technology. . The reason for the success of the holographic vision is that holograms were in vogue at the time.
Before we immerse ourselves in the "Matrix" version of Icke and in these interviews, we will make a jump in the physical laws and the universe of quantum mechanics. Rest assured, we are all able to follow.
Icke therefore starts from several postulates that are based on astonishing scientific speculations: we live in a universe of matter that is in fact an illusion. Our mind, doped and carefully guided by our DNA, leads us to believe hard in this illusion.
We are in a way programmed to adhere to this illusion. This illusion is actually a gigantic energetic matrix conscious of its existence and which needs us and our energies to exist. It is our consensual adherence to the real that reinforces the power and the existence of this matrix. Time, space and matter are the relative and illusory components of this matrix. This matrix is not beyond good and evil, but it is the seat of it. Its only ethics is its survival. It is an imperfect manifestation. She is like "disconnected" from the "perfect", from the absolute.
Entities generated by this matrix are incarnated to control us, influence us and, if necessary, repress us through religions, secret societies and authorities.
These entities correspond in some way to these famous agents of the movie The Matrix as the infamous "agent Smith". We will talk about it again.
Too difficult to swallow? But nevertheless attractive? We understand it. Only, by examining these propositions and premises in detail and relating them to findings and discoveries of physics, biology, astrophysics, medicine and current events, we will realize that these theses are more than attractive, they are even relevant in some respects. We will embark on a fantastic adventure on the nature of reality.
An amazing discovery: instant communication
In 1982, the work of a physicist from the University of Paris, Alain Aspect, highlighted a quite amazing event that apparently challenged the physical laws of Einstein relating to the speed of light: subatomic particles ( NDR: particles smaller than the atom) would "communicate" with each other, instantly regardless of the distances between them, be it 10 cm, 10 meters or 100 meters or 10 million kilometers. When a particle behaves in a certain way, the one that is bound to it "reacts" and behaves in the same way, instantly. They would communicate in them faster than the speed of light?
Would this finding violate Einstein's law that nothing can go beyond the "sacrosanct" speed of light? In fact, it was discovered that these minute particles, called elementary particles, the smallest components of matter, behave not only exotically, but in addition, they are connected to each other by a link strange, almost magical since the "communication" between these particles is instantaneous, abolishing the notions of distances and time.
With the study of these elementary particles that constitute fiber, the very soul of our universe of matter, we find ourselves in a universe where everything is linked, interdependent, fluctuating, extraordinary. We discovered that these particles were linked together in a "universe" underlying ours, probably outside time and space and that we will examine later in this article.
The observations made by some physicists like David Bohm on the behavior of these elementary particles led them to think that the universe of matter in which we live is an illusion, a "dense" and real illusion for our brain but an illusion nevertheless. And that matter and consciousness are not separated but connect, "extend". Objective, stable reality does not exist. People like David Bohm or Michael Talbot have compared our universe to a gigantic hologram, in 3 dimensions (not counting the dimension of Time). We will see why and how.
Matter, an illusion?
Take an example: the table on which your computer is installed or simply take your computer. Your brain tells you it's a dense, hard, hard material. You can bang your hands at your table, at your PC and hurt yourself. You will not go through it. And yet, if you "examine" for example your table or your computer with a tunneling electron microscope, you will realize that this material is actually composed of carbon atoms and other components that are not actually only particles that "spin" and are subject to electromagnetic energy and electro-atomic energy. These particles are really not "solid" things and it is the cohesive force that exists between these "vibrating", "whirling" particles that give the illusion of solidity.
If you were able to "vibrate" the cells, the organic compounds and the atoms of your body at another frequency, you would be theoretically able to pass through your table, your computer!
The electromagnetic force (and the strong nuclear force that ensures the cohesion between protons and neutrons that form the nucleus of the atom), playing the role of cohesion of the material prevents us from crossing the table, to pass through the walls and prevents simply the material to fall apart.
These quantum elementary particles - this world of the infinitely small - behave strangely because they are both particles and waves at the same time. When one wants to examine these particles, when one thinks of "seeing" a corpuscle, the particle will behave in fact like a "wave" and vice versa. The only and very important limit to this way of examining reality is to ask ourselves if we can truly explain the real by dissecting and analyzing the infinitely small and what we believe to be the particles. elementary (photons, quarks, etc.). Can the act of examining the infinitely small explain everything? And are we going far enough in the infinitely small? There may be more "little" still. There may be levels in the material and the real that we can not examine and that still holds many mysteries!
According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, another "quirkiness" which shows that everything is linked and interdependent, "the observer is irremediably linked to the quantum system and any observation actually disrupts this system" ( "Synchronicity" by F. David Peat, Le Mail editions). This is how the question arose as to how far an experimenter, when observing an experience, a physical system, can influence it. For example, an "observer" is in a room where a machine is installed that generates random numbers. Well, we realized that this observer will influence in a minute but measurable way the production of these random numbers according to his emotional state.
There is even a discipline of science which studies the technologies able to isolate supercomputers, big calculators - often security systems of military air navigation or even computers operating in very sensitive financial contexts - of any influence, in particular of the influence of man.
Now back to our atoms and their components, the subatomic and elementary particles. For example: the electrons, protons, neutrons and on a smaller scale, the quarks (hypothetical but very useful particle) without counting the gravitons (particle even more hypothetical), even the psychons.
Take an image: if you take a hydrogen atom, its nucleus (composed of neutrons and protons) and the electron that gravitates around; this nucleus as well as the electron appear more or less like vibrating "particles", moving energies rather than solid "objects" if the physicist who reads me allows this not very orthodox image. If we want to examine the notion of distance (on the scale of course) between this nucleus and this electron, and that we "enlarge" them enormously to the dimensions of a cathedral, the nucleus will be the size of a a 50-cent piece placed in the center of the building while the electron will gravitate to the vault of the cathedral (another image: a grain of rice in a football field). The nucleus accounts for 99.9% of the mass of the atom but occupies only one millionth of a billionth of its volume!
Suffice to say that the atom and therefore the material are in fact essentially made up of vacuum, as some physicists point out. Vacuum in which "particles" that are actually energy and waves are agitated. Matter is therefore emptiness, which very curiously makes us think of principles of Buddhism on the nature of the world. In the Buddhist conception, the universe is an illusion constituted of emptiness (not to be confused with the "nothing", the non-being nihilist). In the Buddhists, emptiness refers to the potentialities of everything, its potentialities.
In terms of relative truths, Buddhism thus speaks of "space particles" that do not represent objects but a potential for manifestation. We then speak of the expression of this "emptiness full" in the form of five "breaths" which are gradually manifest in 5 elements-air, water, earth, fire and space. Their combination generates a "soup", an ocean whose churning, under the effect of the initial energy, produces the celestial bodies, the continents, the mountains, and finally the living beings. This is how a universe is formed among the infinity of those that exist ", says the biologist and Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard (" The infinite in the palm of the hand, from the Big Bang to the Awakening ", Mathieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan, Editions Fayard, Paris, 2000).
As for the Vietnamese astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan, he specifies: "the physics affirms that this potential of manifestation is provided by the energy of the emptiness". And Ricard continues: "This is an apparent realization of this energy." In other words, matter is above all energy that manifests itself in the "void" by "choosing" one potential over another, manifesting itself in one form rather than another. These words perfectly illustrate the impression we can have on the virtual side of reality: energy that manifests itself in 3 apparent D (plus the temporal dimension) in our universe of matter. A holographic manifestation somehow? Why not !
Is the universe a hologram?
What is a hologram first? You may have seen one already. It is a 3-dimensional image often contained in a prism and gives the impression of relief. A hologram is made using a laser beam that "splits" as it passes through a semi-reflective surface. The laser beam will "hit" a semitransparent, semi-reflective mirror. Part of the ray will be reflected towards the object that one wants to project in a "three-dimensional image". This ray somehow scans the object then will hit by "rebound" the surface (the film) or the object (for example a prism) responsible for hosting the hologram. At the same time, the second part of this laser beam will not be reflected by the semi-transparent mirror and will cross it. This second part of the laser beam called reference ray will go straight to this printing surface or this prism and will meet the first laser beam that intercepted the object. It is the meeting of the two rays that will restore the impression of 3 dimensions of the object.
Very strangely, if we cut in two or in three the prism hit by the laser and which contains the 3D image (for example a flower), we will not see a flower cut in two or three but two ( or three) faithful representations of the flower. Each part of the prism contains in it all the necessary information that will make the entire image of the object as it is of course struck by the laser.
Our brain and especially our memory present holographic qualities. Memory would work on the same principle as a hologram (it does not matter if you remove parts of the cerebral "mass", the memory can continue to work), but we'll see that later. In fact, holograms are projections of energy and light that appear to the observer in the form of three-dimensional objects when they are actually wave waves that take the illusory form. 3D when a laser intervenes.
The main architects of this astonishing idea that our universe would be a kind of hologram are embodied by David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, and by Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at Stanford University who was interested in "Languages of the brain". Both have come to similar conclusions but each in his own discipline. The two men come to think that our universe, matter but also our brain possess "undeniable holographic properties". This holographic model of the universe explains wonderfully, as we shall see, the events that we call paranormal (if no other term is more valid) or else marked by synchronicity.
In the holographic model, we can find explanations that allow us to understand how the mind can influence matter.
For those who still doubt the existence of such events, the research and examples highlighted by David Peat or David Bohm or the countless experiments carried out at the Princeton Laboratory (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab) by the physicist RobertJahn and the psychologist Brenda Dunne Eccles, Nobel Prize winner, a person in the dark and deprived of any stimulus must try to detect a barely perceptible touch on one of his fingers. However, the researchers observed after repeating a sufficient number of times the experience on a statistically significant number of people that when the affected person prepares for the detection, the area of the brain corresponding to the finger activates before he is not touched.
Let us quote in bulk the other "hypotheses" and explanation aiming at showing this bridge between the spirit and the matter: the supraluminous universes, the holographic model, the morphogenetic fields, the holotropic spirit, the neuronal imagination etc. We will not examine obviously not all of these theories and research (they all deserve an article) but they all go in the same direction: we must not trust the impression that we are dealing with a purely physical, independent, isolated from our spirit. But rather that we are immersed in a virtual, holographic reality where everything is interconnected. As the saying goes: "the world and God are in our head, not outside".
The tangible impression that the world is external to us is therefore also an illusion, a kind of perception program. have amply shown that some machines can be influenced by the spirit of human beings. Theories and experiments to show that there is a connection between matter and mind are very diverse and eloquent. These same experiences in fact illustrate that there is not really a separation between these two domains of mind and matter, or at least that the separation we have established is purely artificial.
For example, the theory of Psychons, a kind of hypothetical quantum particles emitted by the brain, is a theory that tends to prove that it is the consciousness that controls and directs the brain and not the other way around. Better yet, the brain is not the seat of consciousness, its engine but is somehow an antenna, an ultra sophisticated receiver able to serve as an intermediary with our 5 senses to express our behaviors and perceptions. This would mean that our consciousness needs our brain to manifest itself, to communicate in our universe of matter. But this same consciousness can exist "outside" the brain. We are talking about the survival of the soul, its potential for eternity. Hard to swallow for the most rational of us. In the experience of John Eccles, Nobel Prize winner, a person in the dark and deprived of any stimulus must try to detect a barely perceptible touch on one of his fingers. However, the researchers observed after repeating a sufficient number of times the experience on a statistically significant number of people that when the affected person prepares for the detection, the area of the brain corresponding to the finger activates before he is not touched. Let us quote in bulk the other "hypotheses" and explanation aiming at showing this bridge between the spirit and the matter: the supraluminous universes, the holographic model, the morphogenetic fields, the holotropic spirit, the neuronal imagination etc. We will not examine obviously not all of these theories and research (they all deserve an article) but they all go in the same direction: we must not trust the impression that we are dealing with a purely physical, independent, isolated from our spirit. But rather that we are immersed in a virtual, holographic reality where everything is interconnected. As the saying goes: "the world and God are in our head, not outside". The tangible impression that the world is external to us is therefore also an illusion, a kind of perception program.
Let's go back to our holographic model and especially to our quantum particles that we mentioned at the beginning of this article. For Bohm as for Peat, the idea that elementary particles react instantly together is a mirage. It is an illusion not because they communicate with each other at speeds faster than the speed of light, but simply because the notion of space (and therefore of time) separating these particles is in truth an illusion. An illusion certainly very tenacious, very solid but an illusion anyway, an illusion inherent in the mode of operation and existence of our universe in 3 apparent D (we will not speak here of the other hypothetical dimensions not to complicate our point) .
Bohm asserts that at a deeper level of reality, such particles are not individual entities but are actually extensions of the same essential, fundamental "something" of the same particle. He wonders if somewhere, instead of dealing with two particles, we would be dealing with the same particle that gives the impression of "projecting" into two different places.
Bohm delivers a metaphor to explain his point of view. Imagine an aquarium with a fish. You are unable to perceive directly with your eyes the aquarium in itself and the only knowledge that you have of this aquarium comes from two cameras, one filming the facade of the aquarium, the other its side . So you see two images on two TV monitors. With two fishes. Two apparently different images of the fish since they are two different angles of view. And you do not realize, moreover, that these two cameras film the same aquarium and the same fish. You realize that both fish move exactly at the same time. By doing the same movements. By what magic? Unless it is the same fish filmed from two different angles and two cameras filming the two distinct and apparently separate faces of the same reality. If you are not aware that it is the same fish, you will conclude that the two fish communicate with each other.
From this image, Bohm asserts that the observation of the elementary particles constituting the frame of our reality and evolving in pairs sometimes separated by immense distances (certain particles exist in pairs like photons and by three like quarks) actually obscures us. the existence of a hidden, underlying dimension to which we are not accommodated. These particles evolve into another dimension.
We "see" or rather perceive with our instruments of detection and measurement these subatomic particles separately only because our perception of the real is incomplete, truncated, because we actually perceive only part of the reality.
The consequences of this model are fabulous. For if the universe is the holographic projection of something, of another reality to which we do not have direct access by our 5 senses, it means that the constituent elements of the universe are all interconnected at a deeper level. that we can not detect with our 5 holographic senses.
At a deeper level, we would be sort of connected to all things in the universe, stars in the sky, oceans, fish. Everything is interconnected.
It is we who tend to separate everything, put everything in categories, it's a kind of reflex, a program deeply inscribed in us at the very heart of our DNA, we'll come back to it. It is the crystallization of ourselves and of our universe in this hologram that gives us the very solid, very concrete impression that everything in nature, even of matter, is separated by time and space.
Bohm, as Einstein suggests, "we must remember that we do not actually observe nature as it really exists, but that this same nature is revealed to us, conditioned by our means of perception. Theories will determine what we can and what we can not observe ... Reality is an illusion even if it is a persistent illusion ".
He also states: "In this holographic model, each element contains, just as in a hologram, the totality of the universe". The concept of totality for Bohm includes both mind and matter. Because to return to the image of a prism containing a holographic representation of a flower, if you break the prism into two in three or four, each element contains the flower in its totality. The image is not localized somewhere in the prism. She is potentially everywhere. It looks crazy, mysterious, magical. But holograms simply obey physical laws, the laws of particles and quantum objects. Photons, which are both particles and waves, "bodies" of light emitted by atoms and DNA obey the quantum "laws".
Unfortunately, David Bohm, though endowed with an eloquent track record, was not recognized as it would have been by his peers who considered him too "mystical". As for the "mystics", there were very few (notable exception of Krishnamurti, an incredible character) who agreed to follow his subtle physical and metaphysical reasoning.
Other models of representation of the universe
There are many other models of representation of the universe. For example, we contacted the astrophysicist Paul LaViolette, who seems not to assume the holographic model, simply because his sub quantum kinetic model refers to another vision of the universe, a vision that attaches more than importance to energy exchanges, dissipative systems and especially to the fact that the universe for LaViolette is an open system. However, the holographic vision seems at first sight to represent the image of a closed system, closed on itself, self sufficient. And above all, for Paul LaViolettte, the holographic model is certainly an image, a metaphor but this model evokes optical systems, non-living systems.
We understand the hesitation of our researcher to agree to extrapolate observations made on non-living models - from holographic images in a prism - to the universe of the living, our reality. This brutal leap between the non-living and the living is justified? Certainly, there is Pribram's research that tends to show that our brain and our memory, a living system, also function as a hologram. But how far is this comparison, this image, this representation valid? This is the question that Paul LaViolette poses. He told us in a brief exchange of letters that we had together: "This model emerges from research on non-living systems in the field of optical research. The Sub-Quantum Kinetic System (SQK, sub quantum Kinetic), on the other hand, is based on research in life sciences, biology, unbalanced thermodynamic systems, and kinetic chemistry. There is no reference "radius" in the sub-quantum kinetic model. Physical form is not frequency dependent in the SQK model. Even if the SQK model succeeds and shares some concepts similar to the holographic model like the idea of parallel universe coexisting in the same space or the interconnection of spaces. Instead of a reference ray, you have an ether in reaction and instead of holograms, you have dissipative spatial structures. Pribram applies the holographic model to brain function. I applied the open systems model to the brain as well, which gives something different in the interpretation of brain function. " We will dwell on another case on the work of Paul LaViolette.
The memory is a hologram also
Karl Pribram, the neurophysiologist at Stanford University, too, in his own discipline, came to the same conclusion that the universe is a hologram, working on memory. With Bohm, they both came to the conclusion "that our physical reality is made of holograms that give us the illusion of perceiving 3-dimensional objects when they are in fact nothing more than structures, patterns composed by waves ". (Tales from the Loop Time, Icke David, Bridgle of Love).
To return specifically to our hologram, the laser beam that strikes the object that we want to project in 3D will therefore hit on a photosensitive plate, a "vibratory image" of the object on the plate. The other laser beam called the reference ray will then collide with the induced image ray. The collision or encounter between these two rays will generate a "wave" of interference, a model of interference (as if the two series of concentric waves created on a lake when throwing two stones at two Where the waves, the concentric circles of the first stone meet the waves in concentric circles of the second stone are born waves of interference). It is at this meeting point that, thanks to the laser, the 3-dimensional image of the holographic object emerges.
Likewise, very strangely, the formed image will be non-localized at a particular place but everywhere and nowhere at the same time, as if the image or information was spreading everywhere and nowhere in particular. Remember the prism containing an image of a flower that breaks in two or three. You will get not a half flower or a third of flower but a whole flower in every piece of prism. Curiously, the definition of the image will be worse each time the hologram is cut in half.
Very roughly, we can say that our brain and our memory function in the same way. Our brain itself works as a kind of holographic computer. Reality is formed in our head, at the conjunction of two "wave fields", that emitted by our subconscious and that emitted by our external environment and captured by our 5 senses. From the third wave, resulting from the meeting of the two previous ones, emerges the representation that we have of our external environment in our consciousness.
The information "recorded" in our memory is not stored in particular places but rather "everywhere" in the brain, like a hologram.
Pribram experimented with rats on which he could demonstrate this disconcerting aspect of memory. Regardless of which parts of the rat's brain Pribram removed by lobotomy, the memorized information was still present. In pictorial terms, our 5 senses and our brain capture wave waves, wave fields and quantum particles and "reconstruct them in the form of a hologram, a 3-dimensional image. In fact, material reality exists only in our head and we are one with the world ". "Everything is in the head" could we say when we summarize the work of Pribram, Talbot and Bohm.
It is our brain that will give meaning, meaning to the wave structures of reality. Talbot, paraphrasing Pribram writes: "For Pribram, the objective world does not exist, at least in the way we are used to perceiving it. What is "out there" is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies. Reality takes a concrete form in our eyes because our brain is able to take over the holographic fog and convert it into stones, pieces of wood and any other familiar object that makes up our world ... In other words, the the sweetness of a fine piece of Chinese porcelain or the sweet impression of fine sand on a beach that we walk on our feet are just elaborate versions of the ghost missing limb syndrome. According to Pribram, this does not mean that there is no Chinese porcelain or fine sand. It simply means that the porcelain cup has in it two different aspects of its reality. When filtered by the kind of "optical lens" that our brain represents, it manifests itself as a cup. But if we could ignore our "lenses," we would experience an interference field. What is then real and what is an illusion? Both aspects are real or both are not.
Somehow, the metaphor of a television image also works. Above all, they are pixels, a series of coordinates of light spots, waves and photons in a two-dimensional plane image. Our brain reconstructs it in 3 dimensions. Reality is ultimately an ultra sophisticated form of television image that is built in and by our consciousness or rather by our subconscious that would play the role of reference ray if we take the image of the hologram.
Alongside the holographic wave fields of our 3-dimensional real, we must also admit that reality can also manifest itself in the form of other wave fields on frequencies that we do not directly perceive. Stanislav Grof, a specialist in altered states of consciousness who also adheres to the holographic model has managed to show through these works that these other realities, the events that we describe as paranormal, are all connected and part of a vast field of alternative realities that we can perceive only if we "branch" to the right channels.
Our consciousness, our psyche is not limited to the strict boundaries of our brain but it can travel, explore other fields of reality, even other consciences.
This is what Grof called "the holotropic spirit," a model where "consciousness can explore past lives, the consciousness of animals, of a planet or of the entire cosmos". (read: Stanislav Grof and HalZina Bennet, "The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives" Harper Collins 1992).
Alternative realities
But we can go further because strange phenomena related to the whole human body seem to indicate that the latter is a gigantic "memory" which is not located somewhere in the body but everywhere, like a hologram. Proof of this is the study done by some researchers on organ transplants.
In a recent article by Dr. Paul Pearsall, Gary Schwartz (both professors of psychology and psychiatrist at Yale University) and Linda Russek (professor of medicine at the University of Arizona), these practitioners point out that was able to observe strange phenomena and changes of behavior quite bizarre with the transplanted: changes in eating habits, new unexplained passions for this or that artistic activity or sports, new phobias. Initially, doctors attributed these behavioral problems to the side effects of drugs given to transplant patients to prevent disorders of the immune system. But it became clear that these changes were related to the personalities of the donors.
William Novak, co-author of a book on the subject "A Change of Heart" speculates that there is a memorization at the cellular level or "cellular memories stored in transplanted organs". Nexus's article highlights sometimes fundamental personality changes. The human body can not be reduced to a complex assembly of organs and is therefore certainly not limited to chemical and electrochemical reactions but must be perceived as a vast open system of exchanges of energies and information. The image offered by the holographic model to the extent that memory and consciousness are not localized to organs is very attractive but know that there are many other models of explanation as Gerry Zeitlin indirectly points out in his interview.
What is consciousness?
If we start from the point of view that our universe is holographic, is a representation and a 3D projection of something more complex (this more complex thing would reside and be ordered in the morphogenetic fields?), What is the consciousness and the intelligence of a living being in this context? What is his place of residence? Only in the brain? Without brain, no consciousness? This is the point of view of some "mechanistic" physicists, philosophers and biologists. For them, the mind and the consciousness are useless concepts "because science is able to account for human behavior based on the electrochemical reactions of the brain alone" (Synchronicity, a bridge between mind and matter, David Peat, Editions The Mail).
Scientists who "amused themselves" at studying very simple organisms such as marine worms with a basic nervous system concluded that all the worms' behavior could be explained by a series of chemical and electrical reactions in the network. nervous of the beast. Therefore, the analogy with the man can be made, the man being only a mechanics infinitely more complex than the worm. The simplest behaviors can be explained by material processes. Although there is a considerable step to extrapolate and go from sea worm to human, neurologists claim that it is only a matter of degree of complexity. In other words, human behavior could be fragmented into a complex series of simple elements, each of which can be associated with an electrochemical process of the brain. There would be no need for "deus ex machina" of the mind to explain human behaviors "wrote David Peat about these" mechanistic "scientists.
In short, consciousness and intelligence have no mystery: they are just a series of electrical discharges and chemical reactions that are certainly very complex, infinitely complex in appearance, but ultimately simple and that generate what we call our intelligence. No need in this vision of a "consciousness" that hovers over the brain and uses it as a network and an antenna to live and develop thinking. Thinking is only an anecdotal consequence of these electrochemical reactions, a "witness" that the body works.
Sad vision that this makes man a pure machine but has the admirable virtue of reassuring scientists who need to show man that he is nothing and that science has all the power to explain everything. To use an analogy, an image that David Peat uses in his book to illustrate this concept, we could compare the man to a computer coupled with a sort of dashboard filled with small lamps. Whenever the computer "thinks" and elaborates calculation operations, small indicator lamps come on at certain speeds to pace the calculations and operations performed by the computer. Seen from the outside, for an uninformed observer, looking at these little lamps, he would say that the computer thinks, activates, giving us the spectacle of its intelligence working.
The consciousness of man would then be like these little lamps, an epiphenomenon of the internal electronic processes of the machine. Peat adds: "Thus our scientists support, just as the secret pancreas helps a liquid to aid the digestion of food, the physical nervous system would secrete consciousness to signal that the brain is functioning. This signal would have great advantages because it would reflect the current state of the various activities of the brain and indicate its modifications. But no more than the lamps of the computer would direct its internal functioning, this signal would direct the physical brain.
To this very sad, reductive, mechanistic vision of consciousness is opposed another vision which asserts that the order of things is far too complex to be summarized in a simple sequence of purely logical operations (event A followed by B followed by C, each thing being the logical consequence of the other in a continually predictable sequence). Quantum mechanics and the study of the infinitely small, elementary particles teach us on the contrary to remain modest, to tell us that it is simply stupid and vain to be able to foresee and summarize in a series of physical, chemical and predictable electric.
There are principles in physics where randomness, chaos, unpredictability and somehow, why not, free will prove to be fundamental principles.
There is no need to give precedence to matter by considering that matter directs everything (or commands consciousness which would be only an accessory thing). There is no need to separate artificially the spirit of matter, the consciousness of the brain as if one had no influence on the other. Everything is interdependent, as some other researchers in "anomalies" and quantum mechanics show so well.
We could even venture another image: matter is just a more dense level of the same reality of which the consciousness is one which is an extension of it on a less dense level.
There would be subtle orders in the matter. Instead of needing a hypothetical force of life to explain life, it turned out that we could understand this phenomenon by admitting that matter contains a range of broader and more subtle orders ... The concept of the material world has been continually expanded into ever greater fields of complexity and subtlety, up to the present day, where it is possible to speculate that this order will continue to be extended more and more deeply, without limit. says David Peat. Exit the dependence of consciousness on his so-called seat, the brain.
On the one hand, a large number of experiments have shown that this vision is false, on the other hand, a whole series of events that we call "paranormal" (or anomalies) like Synchronicity, but also the experiences of decorporation, remote viewing, and NDEs (near death experience) mean that consciousness does not necessarily need the brain "jelly" to function.
It seems that our consciousness needs above all this jelly, this "circumvolent" mass to capture and transmit information in the strict world of 3 D which is ours. This is at least the fascinating hypothesis of Nigel Kerner that we have already mentioned several times in Karmapolis. He goes further in his book (Song of the Grays) showing that the brain connected to the skeleton is a kind of multidirectional antenna with arms, legs, spine (a structure, a basic pattern that we found in all living beings, from the ant to the ox through man), an antenna capable of capturing a multitude of signals, to filter them, process them and transmit back to communicate and interact with the environment.
Our connection with God, divinity ; to know the "quality" of the signal that connects us to our creator, would be altered by the "entropic", chaotic nature of our imperfect 3D universe. But we come out a little of the subject.
To return to the hologram, our consciousness has holographic properties and perceives and analyzes the world and the universe around it as a holographic projection. Our eyes are comparable to the laser beam as well as our sense of touch, our hearing and our taste. It may sound crazy but in truth, there are no big differences between hearing, touching, taste and smell. These are just sensors and different levels of wave, energy and "particle" capture (odorous and taste particles, light particles, photons that hit the retina, etc.). A blind man manages to model in his consciousness an object by the touch and even with the tongue since it was discovered that the language included an incredible number of "sensors" very close to the eye sensors.
The brain would be able to model, to represent an object in 3 dimensions with the language if the person was deprived of his other senses. The image of the object "captured" by the "senses" (eyes, tongue, touch, etc.) is reconstructed in our head and is everywhere and nowhere in the brain. Like a hologram, it is not "stored" in a material, "physical" and precise area of the brain. This image is not the object but a virtual representation of the object.
This is to say how reality is a fluctuating thing, unreal, virtual, constituted mainly by information. A real Matrix?
This is what we will see in the second part of this file: how this whole system is organized and functioning. Can we structure and represent our universe in the form of this model? Welcome to the Matrix hypothesis.
To be continued…. Second part.
The holographic Universe, the Matrix and the loops of time.
April 28, 2015.
First part
Look around, smell the air, touch the objects around you. And ask yourself the following question: "What is the true nature of this universe? ". Is it possible to feel it differently? Out of the conditioning imposed by the media that make us believe that the universe is nothing other than what I see and what I am told. For some, our universe is an "intelligent" holographic "matrix", a "virtual" reality that cuts us off from something fundamental. It's an enchanted prison. And the deep reason for our wanderings, violence and suffering.
We will try to understand what these researchers mean in a two-part article illustrated by two exclusive interviews: those of David Icke and Gerry Zeitlin ...
A little warning
In this article, we will particularly solicit the reflection and imagination of the reader.
We will use physical concepts that may sound boring, but do not be fooled and put off by this apparent complexity. It is only because of the "brand image" that the media likes to convey about physical science: a world incomprehensible to the uninitiated, people like us, common mortals. It's a lie. The general concepts of physical science are accessible to all without the requirement of years of prior academic study. It's a fabulous world that can make us feel a lot about the nature of the world and our perceptions. It's a science that can help us live. However, we must humbly recognize its limits and therefore ours.
Physics, astrophysics (study of the infinitely large), quantum mechanics (study of the infinitely small) can not explain everything. Indeed, to explain a thing, a system, to describe it, it is necessary to be able to observe it from outside with, in addition, the duty not to influence it. Now, with these sciences, we are only explaining the things in which we are bathed and over which we can not have an objective and complete vision. How then to describe the world as part of it and without extricating itself from it?
Second flat well known physicists studying quantum systems, ie the life of the smallest particles constituting matter: we realized that the mere fact of observing these particles could influence their behavior. Unbelievable ? Magical ? In appearance only! This shows us that everything is interdependent, everything is connected and why not, that somewhere, everything is one. But here we enter without precaution in the "religious", in the domain of belief, in metaphysics. We wish you, dear reader, a good stay and a good trip in the world of the consciousness and the elementary particles but also in that of the conspiracy which is related to it! You will be able to judge the nature of this link ...
The strange Mr David Icke
Do we live in a controlled "prison" universe, a gigantic metaphysical trap whose illusory reality cuts us off from ourselves, from our true potential?
Is the universe AS WE PERCEVATE it, or as we perceive it to be, a gigantic trap for our consciousness? Do we evolve in a virtual reality, "built" on purpose to make us slaves? A very gnostic and pessimistic view of existence? Perhaps !
This ultra paranoid way of asking questions probably already conditions the kind of answers and has premises, fundamental prejudices about how we can approach our world. By asking these questions about the nature of reality in this way, we now consider that we live in a world of predation, of consumption in which there are prey and hunters, consumers and products, executioners and torturers. victims. Certainly, many religious and philosophers will tell you that our world can not be reduced to this mode of operation too reductive: there is the good, the beautiful, the good, there are wonders in our world that belie the predatory side debilitating, disabling and alienating from the real. But precisely, the good, the beautiful, the good exist only because evil, ugliness and malice exist. Our world is dual. It is broken up, separated, made up of parts, bricks, atoms.
We are in perpetual search for balance (what we call a thermostatic system in physics), true tightrope walkers. It's weary and intoxicating. All, at least some of us, we live with this throbbing sensation that we miss something. We are constantly weaning from this missing part, orphaned by something on which we can not put a name, a missing part that unconsciously guides all our actions, from the desire to possess to the fear of missing until sometimes and for some, we lead to madness. We are the orphans of a real deceiver!
Some researchers, in search of answers to these questions - who are we, what kind of universe do we live in, the nature of this universe does not raise this unfathomable existential lack? - have highlighted some fascinating theses . The film Matrix is an effective parable, rather exaggerated and very pessimistic. The conspiracy will add a backdrop to this representation, a set of secret societies, religions and perceptions of the world that lock us even more.
But this dark addition is not free. This is where the most fascinating part of the controversial theories of David Icke lies. Admittedly, the man has a somewhat fanciful conspiracyist reputation. Normal since it says shamelessly that our world is manipulated by extraterrestrial entities reptilian but also that the Queen of England and many other "big" of this world are reptilians.
Most of these statements seem at first glance caricatural and laughable but it is mostly a matter of method and style. He is a direct man who does not take any hindsight nor any oratory or stylistic precaution. It also seems a bit messy and operates some hair-raising shortcuts. If there are historical errors and shortcuts in these books, there is no evidence that he is telling lies. On the contrary. It's just rationally hard to swallow.
The last part of his work, that relating to the hypothesis that our universe is a matrix and a trap for our consciousness, is really fascinating and relies on many scientific aspects. As for the apparent dark side of his theory, as to why this matrix is necessarily a trap, David Icke offers us rather interesting postulates. He claims that the universe is a hologram, a projection in 3D in which our consciousness - itself endowed with holographic properties - evolves. Icke successfully extrapolates the theories and findings of some researchers, some physicists who have revolutionized classical conceptions of physics. One last precision: his "revelation" on the Matrix came to him little by little and seems to have taken a particular cohesion on the occasion of a participation in rituals under Ayahuasca in Brazil. We will talk about it later.
The man gave us in an exclusive interview additional details on his vision of the world. You can consult the contents of this interview in the last part of this file (see David Icke interview). This article is paralleled with another exclusive interview, that of Gerry Zeitlin, an astrophysicist who worked for the Seti project and who does not quite share the views of David Icke. He believes that the metaphor of the universe as a hologram should not be taken literally and he adds that we will certainly find a better image to illustrate what our universe looks like as we advance our science and technology. . The reason for the success of the holographic vision is that holograms were in vogue at the time.
Before we immerse ourselves in the "Matrix" version of Icke and in these interviews, we will make a jump in the physical laws and the universe of quantum mechanics. Rest assured, we are all able to follow.
Icke therefore starts from several postulates that are based on astonishing scientific speculations: we live in a universe of matter that is in fact an illusion. Our mind, doped and carefully guided by our DNA, leads us to believe hard in this illusion.
We are in a way programmed to adhere to this illusion. This illusion is actually a gigantic energetic matrix conscious of its existence and which needs us and our energies to exist. It is our consensual adherence to the real that reinforces the power and the existence of this matrix. Time, space and matter are the relative and illusory components of this matrix. This matrix is not beyond good and evil, but it is the seat of it. Its only ethics is its survival. It is an imperfect manifestation. She is like "disconnected" from the "perfect", from the absolute.
Entities generated by this matrix are incarnated to control us, influence us and, if necessary, repress us through religions, secret societies and authorities.
These entities correspond in some way to these famous agents of the movie The Matrix as the infamous "agent Smith". We will talk about it again.
Too difficult to swallow? But nevertheless attractive? We understand it. Only, by examining these propositions and premises in detail and relating them to findings and discoveries of physics, biology, astrophysics, medicine and current events, we will realize that these theses are more than attractive, they are even relevant in some respects. We will embark on a fantastic adventure on the nature of reality.
An amazing discovery: instant communication
In 1982, the work of a physicist from the University of Paris, Alain Aspect, highlighted a quite amazing event that apparently challenged the physical laws of Einstein relating to the speed of light: subatomic particles ( NDR: particles smaller than the atom) would "communicate" with each other, instantly regardless of the distances between them, be it 10 cm, 10 meters or 100 meters or 10 million kilometers. When a particle behaves in a certain way, the one that is bound to it "reacts" and behaves in the same way, instantly. They would communicate in them faster than the speed of light?
Would this finding violate Einstein's law that nothing can go beyond the "sacrosanct" speed of light? In fact, it was discovered that these minute particles, called elementary particles, the smallest components of matter, behave not only exotically, but in addition, they are connected to each other by a link strange, almost magical since the "communication" between these particles is instantaneous, abolishing the notions of distances and time.
With the study of these elementary particles that constitute fiber, the very soul of our universe of matter, we find ourselves in a universe where everything is linked, interdependent, fluctuating, extraordinary. We discovered that these particles were linked together in a "universe" underlying ours, probably outside time and space and that we will examine later in this article.
The observations made by some physicists like David Bohm on the behavior of these elementary particles led them to think that the universe of matter in which we live is an illusion, a "dense" and real illusion for our brain but an illusion nevertheless. And that matter and consciousness are not separated but connect, "extend". Objective, stable reality does not exist. People like David Bohm or Michael Talbot have compared our universe to a gigantic hologram, in 3 dimensions (not counting the dimension of Time). We will see why and how.
Matter, an illusion?
Take an example: the table on which your computer is installed or simply take your computer. Your brain tells you it's a dense, hard, hard material. You can bang your hands at your table, at your PC and hurt yourself. You will not go through it. And yet, if you "examine" for example your table or your computer with a tunneling electron microscope, you will realize that this material is actually composed of carbon atoms and other components that are not actually only particles that "spin" and are subject to electromagnetic energy and electro-atomic energy. These particles are really not "solid" things and it is the cohesive force that exists between these "vibrating", "whirling" particles that give the illusion of solidity.
If you were able to "vibrate" the cells, the organic compounds and the atoms of your body at another frequency, you would be theoretically able to pass through your table, your computer!
The electromagnetic force (and the strong nuclear force that ensures the cohesion between protons and neutrons that form the nucleus of the atom), playing the role of cohesion of the material prevents us from crossing the table, to pass through the walls and prevents simply the material to fall apart.
These quantum elementary particles - this world of the infinitely small - behave strangely because they are both particles and waves at the same time. When one wants to examine these particles, when one thinks of "seeing" a corpuscle, the particle will behave in fact like a "wave" and vice versa. The only and very important limit to this way of examining reality is to ask ourselves if we can truly explain the real by dissecting and analyzing the infinitely small and what we believe to be the particles. elementary (photons, quarks, etc.). Can the act of examining the infinitely small explain everything? And are we going far enough in the infinitely small? There may be more "little" still. There may be levels in the material and the real that we can not examine and that still holds many mysteries!
According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, another "quirkiness" which shows that everything is linked and interdependent, "the observer is irremediably linked to the quantum system and any observation actually disrupts this system" ( "Synchronicity" by F. David Peat, Le Mail editions). This is how the question arose as to how far an experimenter, when observing an experience, a physical system, can influence it. For example, an "observer" is in a room where a machine is installed that generates random numbers. Well, we realized that this observer will influence in a minute but measurable way the production of these random numbers according to his emotional state.
There is even a discipline of science which studies the technologies able to isolate supercomputers, big calculators - often security systems of military air navigation or even computers operating in very sensitive financial contexts - of any influence, in particular of the influence of man.
Now back to our atoms and their components, the subatomic and elementary particles. For example: the electrons, protons, neutrons and on a smaller scale, the quarks (hypothetical but very useful particle) without counting the gravitons (particle even more hypothetical), even the psychons.
Take an image: if you take a hydrogen atom, its nucleus (composed of neutrons and protons) and the electron that gravitates around; this nucleus as well as the electron appear more or less like vibrating "particles", moving energies rather than solid "objects" if the physicist who reads me allows this not very orthodox image. If we want to examine the notion of distance (on the scale of course) between this nucleus and this electron, and that we "enlarge" them enormously to the dimensions of a cathedral, the nucleus will be the size of a a 50-cent piece placed in the center of the building while the electron will gravitate to the vault of the cathedral (another image: a grain of rice in a football field). The nucleus accounts for 99.9% of the mass of the atom but occupies only one millionth of a billionth of its volume!
Suffice to say that the atom and therefore the material are in fact essentially made up of vacuum, as some physicists point out. Vacuum in which "particles" that are actually energy and waves are agitated. Matter is therefore emptiness, which very curiously makes us think of principles of Buddhism on the nature of the world. In the Buddhist conception, the universe is an illusion constituted of emptiness (not to be confused with the "nothing", the non-being nihilist). In the Buddhists, emptiness refers to the potentialities of everything, its potentialities.
In terms of relative truths, Buddhism thus speaks of "space particles" that do not represent objects but a potential for manifestation. We then speak of the expression of this "emptiness full" in the form of five "breaths" which are gradually manifest in 5 elements-air, water, earth, fire and space. Their combination generates a "soup", an ocean whose churning, under the effect of the initial energy, produces the celestial bodies, the continents, the mountains, and finally the living beings. This is how a universe is formed among the infinity of those that exist ", says the biologist and Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard (" The infinite in the palm of the hand, from the Big Bang to the Awakening ", Mathieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan, Editions Fayard, Paris, 2000).
As for the Vietnamese astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan, he specifies: "the physics affirms that this potential of manifestation is provided by the energy of the emptiness". And Ricard continues: "This is an apparent realization of this energy." In other words, matter is above all energy that manifests itself in the "void" by "choosing" one potential over another, manifesting itself in one form rather than another. These words perfectly illustrate the impression we can have on the virtual side of reality: energy that manifests itself in 3 apparent D (plus the temporal dimension) in our universe of matter. A holographic manifestation somehow? Why not !
Is the universe a hologram?
What is a hologram first? You may have seen one already. It is a 3-dimensional image often contained in a prism and gives the impression of relief. A hologram is made using a laser beam that "splits" as it passes through a semi-reflective surface. The laser beam will "hit" a semitransparent, semi-reflective mirror. Part of the ray will be reflected towards the object that one wants to project in a "three-dimensional image". This ray somehow scans the object then will hit by "rebound" the surface (the film) or the object (for example a prism) responsible for hosting the hologram. At the same time, the second part of this laser beam will not be reflected by the semi-transparent mirror and will cross it. This second part of the laser beam called reference ray will go straight to this printing surface or this prism and will meet the first laser beam that intercepted the object. It is the meeting of the two rays that will restore the impression of 3 dimensions of the object.
Very strangely, if we cut in two or in three the prism hit by the laser and which contains the 3D image (for example a flower), we will not see a flower cut in two or three but two ( or three) faithful representations of the flower. Each part of the prism contains in it all the necessary information that will make the entire image of the object as it is of course struck by the laser.
Our brain and especially our memory present holographic qualities. Memory would work on the same principle as a hologram (it does not matter if you remove parts of the cerebral "mass", the memory can continue to work), but we'll see that later. In fact, holograms are projections of energy and light that appear to the observer in the form of three-dimensional objects when they are actually wave waves that take the illusory form. 3D when a laser intervenes.
The main architects of this astonishing idea that our universe would be a kind of hologram are embodied by David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, and by Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at Stanford University who was interested in "Languages of the brain". Both have come to similar conclusions but each in his own discipline. The two men come to think that our universe, matter but also our brain possess "undeniable holographic properties". This holographic model of the universe explains wonderfully, as we shall see, the events that we call paranormal (if no other term is more valid) or else marked by synchronicity.
In the holographic model, we can find explanations that allow us to understand how the mind can influence matter.
For those who still doubt the existence of such events, the research and examples highlighted by David Peat or David Bohm or the countless experiments carried out at the Princeton Laboratory (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab) by the physicist RobertJahn and the psychologist Brenda Dunne Eccles, Nobel Prize winner, a person in the dark and deprived of any stimulus must try to detect a barely perceptible touch on one of his fingers. However, the researchers observed after repeating a sufficient number of times the experience on a statistically significant number of people that when the affected person prepares for the detection, the area of the brain corresponding to the finger activates before he is not touched.
Let us quote in bulk the other "hypotheses" and explanation aiming at showing this bridge between the spirit and the matter: the supraluminous universes, the holographic model, the morphogenetic fields, the holotropic spirit, the neuronal imagination etc. We will not examine obviously not all of these theories and research (they all deserve an article) but they all go in the same direction: we must not trust the impression that we are dealing with a purely physical, independent, isolated from our spirit. But rather that we are immersed in a virtual, holographic reality where everything is interconnected. As the saying goes: "the world and God are in our head, not outside".
The tangible impression that the world is external to us is therefore also an illusion, a kind of perception program. have amply shown that some machines can be influenced by the spirit of human beings. Theories and experiments to show that there is a connection between matter and mind are very diverse and eloquent. These same experiences in fact illustrate that there is not really a separation between these two domains of mind and matter, or at least that the separation we have established is purely artificial.
For example, the theory of Psychons, a kind of hypothetical quantum particles emitted by the brain, is a theory that tends to prove that it is the consciousness that controls and directs the brain and not the other way around. Better yet, the brain is not the seat of consciousness, its engine but is somehow an antenna, an ultra sophisticated receiver able to serve as an intermediary with our 5 senses to express our behaviors and perceptions. This would mean that our consciousness needs our brain to manifest itself, to communicate in our universe of matter. But this same consciousness can exist "outside" the brain. We are talking about the survival of the soul, its potential for eternity. Hard to swallow for the most rational of us. In the experience of John Eccles, Nobel Prize winner, a person in the dark and deprived of any stimulus must try to detect a barely perceptible touch on one of his fingers. However, the researchers observed after repeating a sufficient number of times the experience on a statistically significant number of people that when the affected person prepares for the detection, the area of the brain corresponding to the finger activates before he is not touched. Let us quote in bulk the other "hypotheses" and explanation aiming at showing this bridge between the spirit and the matter: the supraluminous universes, the holographic model, the morphogenetic fields, the holotropic spirit, the neuronal imagination etc. We will not examine obviously not all of these theories and research (they all deserve an article) but they all go in the same direction: we must not trust the impression that we are dealing with a purely physical, independent, isolated from our spirit. But rather that we are immersed in a virtual, holographic reality where everything is interconnected. As the saying goes: "the world and God are in our head, not outside". The tangible impression that the world is external to us is therefore also an illusion, a kind of perception program.
Let's go back to our holographic model and especially to our quantum particles that we mentioned at the beginning of this article. For Bohm as for Peat, the idea that elementary particles react instantly together is a mirage. It is an illusion not because they communicate with each other at speeds faster than the speed of light, but simply because the notion of space (and therefore of time) separating these particles is in truth an illusion. An illusion certainly very tenacious, very solid but an illusion anyway, an illusion inherent in the mode of operation and existence of our universe in 3 apparent D (we will not speak here of the other hypothetical dimensions not to complicate our point) .
Bohm asserts that at a deeper level of reality, such particles are not individual entities but are actually extensions of the same essential, fundamental "something" of the same particle. He wonders if somewhere, instead of dealing with two particles, we would be dealing with the same particle that gives the impression of "projecting" into two different places.
Bohm delivers a metaphor to explain his point of view. Imagine an aquarium with a fish. You are unable to perceive directly with your eyes the aquarium in itself and the only knowledge that you have of this aquarium comes from two cameras, one filming the facade of the aquarium, the other its side . So you see two images on two TV monitors. With two fishes. Two apparently different images of the fish since they are two different angles of view. And you do not realize, moreover, that these two cameras film the same aquarium and the same fish. You realize that both fish move exactly at the same time. By doing the same movements. By what magic? Unless it is the same fish filmed from two different angles and two cameras filming the two distinct and apparently separate faces of the same reality. If you are not aware that it is the same fish, you will conclude that the two fish communicate with each other.
From this image, Bohm asserts that the observation of the elementary particles constituting the frame of our reality and evolving in pairs sometimes separated by immense distances (certain particles exist in pairs like photons and by three like quarks) actually obscures us. the existence of a hidden, underlying dimension to which we are not accommodated. These particles evolve into another dimension.
We "see" or rather perceive with our instruments of detection and measurement these subatomic particles separately only because our perception of the real is incomplete, truncated, because we actually perceive only part of the reality.
The consequences of this model are fabulous. For if the universe is the holographic projection of something, of another reality to which we do not have direct access by our 5 senses, it means that the constituent elements of the universe are all interconnected at a deeper level. that we can not detect with our 5 holographic senses.
At a deeper level, we would be sort of connected to all things in the universe, stars in the sky, oceans, fish. Everything is interconnected.
It is we who tend to separate everything, put everything in categories, it's a kind of reflex, a program deeply inscribed in us at the very heart of our DNA, we'll come back to it. It is the crystallization of ourselves and of our universe in this hologram that gives us the very solid, very concrete impression that everything in nature, even of matter, is separated by time and space.
Bohm, as Einstein suggests, "we must remember that we do not actually observe nature as it really exists, but that this same nature is revealed to us, conditioned by our means of perception. Theories will determine what we can and what we can not observe ... Reality is an illusion even if it is a persistent illusion ".
He also states: "In this holographic model, each element contains, just as in a hologram, the totality of the universe". The concept of totality for Bohm includes both mind and matter. Because to return to the image of a prism containing a holographic representation of a flower, if you break the prism into two in three or four, each element contains the flower in its totality. The image is not localized somewhere in the prism. She is potentially everywhere. It looks crazy, mysterious, magical. But holograms simply obey physical laws, the laws of particles and quantum objects. Photons, which are both particles and waves, "bodies" of light emitted by atoms and DNA obey the quantum "laws".
Unfortunately, David Bohm, though endowed with an eloquent track record, was not recognized as it would have been by his peers who considered him too "mystical". As for the "mystics", there were very few (notable exception of Krishnamurti, an incredible character) who agreed to follow his subtle physical and metaphysical reasoning.
Other models of representation of the universe
There are many other models of representation of the universe. For example, we contacted the astrophysicist Paul LaViolette, who seems not to assume the holographic model, simply because his sub quantum kinetic model refers to another vision of the universe, a vision that attaches more than importance to energy exchanges, dissipative systems and especially to the fact that the universe for LaViolette is an open system. However, the holographic vision seems at first sight to represent the image of a closed system, closed on itself, self sufficient. And above all, for Paul LaViolettte, the holographic model is certainly an image, a metaphor but this model evokes optical systems, non-living systems.
We understand the hesitation of our researcher to agree to extrapolate observations made on non-living models - from holographic images in a prism - to the universe of the living, our reality. This brutal leap between the non-living and the living is justified? Certainly, there is Pribram's research that tends to show that our brain and our memory, a living system, also function as a hologram. But how far is this comparison, this image, this representation valid? This is the question that Paul LaViolette poses. He told us in a brief exchange of letters that we had together: "This model emerges from research on non-living systems in the field of optical research. The Sub-Quantum Kinetic System (SQK, sub quantum Kinetic), on the other hand, is based on research in life sciences, biology, unbalanced thermodynamic systems, and kinetic chemistry. There is no reference "radius" in the sub-quantum kinetic model. Physical form is not frequency dependent in the SQK model. Even if the SQK model succeeds and shares some concepts similar to the holographic model like the idea of parallel universe coexisting in the same space or the interconnection of spaces. Instead of a reference ray, you have an ether in reaction and instead of holograms, you have dissipative spatial structures. Pribram applies the holographic model to brain function. I applied the open systems model to the brain as well, which gives something different in the interpretation of brain function. " We will dwell on another case on the work of Paul LaViolette.
The memory is a hologram also
Karl Pribram, the neurophysiologist at Stanford University, too, in his own discipline, came to the same conclusion that the universe is a hologram, working on memory. With Bohm, they both came to the conclusion "that our physical reality is made of holograms that give us the illusion of perceiving 3-dimensional objects when they are in fact nothing more than structures, patterns composed by waves ". (Tales from the Loop Time, Icke David, Bridgle of Love).
To return specifically to our hologram, the laser beam that strikes the object that we want to project in 3D will therefore hit on a photosensitive plate, a "vibratory image" of the object on the plate. The other laser beam called the reference ray will then collide with the induced image ray. The collision or encounter between these two rays will generate a "wave" of interference, a model of interference (as if the two series of concentric waves created on a lake when throwing two stones at two Where the waves, the concentric circles of the first stone meet the waves in concentric circles of the second stone are born waves of interference). It is at this meeting point that, thanks to the laser, the 3-dimensional image of the holographic object emerges.
Likewise, very strangely, the formed image will be non-localized at a particular place but everywhere and nowhere at the same time, as if the image or information was spreading everywhere and nowhere in particular. Remember the prism containing an image of a flower that breaks in two or three. You will get not a half flower or a third of flower but a whole flower in every piece of prism. Curiously, the definition of the image will be worse each time the hologram is cut in half.
Very roughly, we can say that our brain and our memory function in the same way. Our brain itself works as a kind of holographic computer. Reality is formed in our head, at the conjunction of two "wave fields", that emitted by our subconscious and that emitted by our external environment and captured by our 5 senses. From the third wave, resulting from the meeting of the two previous ones, emerges the representation that we have of our external environment in our consciousness.
The information "recorded" in our memory is not stored in particular places but rather "everywhere" in the brain, like a hologram.
Pribram experimented with rats on which he could demonstrate this disconcerting aspect of memory. Regardless of which parts of the rat's brain Pribram removed by lobotomy, the memorized information was still present. In pictorial terms, our 5 senses and our brain capture wave waves, wave fields and quantum particles and "reconstruct them in the form of a hologram, a 3-dimensional image. In fact, material reality exists only in our head and we are one with the world ". "Everything is in the head" could we say when we summarize the work of Pribram, Talbot and Bohm.
It is our brain that will give meaning, meaning to the wave structures of reality. Talbot, paraphrasing Pribram writes: "For Pribram, the objective world does not exist, at least in the way we are used to perceiving it. What is "out there" is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies. Reality takes a concrete form in our eyes because our brain is able to take over the holographic fog and convert it into stones, pieces of wood and any other familiar object that makes up our world ... In other words, the the sweetness of a fine piece of Chinese porcelain or the sweet impression of fine sand on a beach that we walk on our feet are just elaborate versions of the ghost missing limb syndrome. According to Pribram, this does not mean that there is no Chinese porcelain or fine sand. It simply means that the porcelain cup has in it two different aspects of its reality. When filtered by the kind of "optical lens" that our brain represents, it manifests itself as a cup. But if we could ignore our "lenses," we would experience an interference field. What is then real and what is an illusion? Both aspects are real or both are not.
Somehow, the metaphor of a television image also works. Above all, they are pixels, a series of coordinates of light spots, waves and photons in a two-dimensional plane image. Our brain reconstructs it in 3 dimensions. Reality is ultimately an ultra sophisticated form of television image that is built in and by our consciousness or rather by our subconscious that would play the role of reference ray if we take the image of the hologram.
Alongside the holographic wave fields of our 3-dimensional real, we must also admit that reality can also manifest itself in the form of other wave fields on frequencies that we do not directly perceive. Stanislav Grof, a specialist in altered states of consciousness who also adheres to the holographic model has managed to show through these works that these other realities, the events that we describe as paranormal, are all connected and part of a vast field of alternative realities that we can perceive only if we "branch" to the right channels.
Our consciousness, our psyche is not limited to the strict boundaries of our brain but it can travel, explore other fields of reality, even other consciences.
This is what Grof called "the holotropic spirit," a model where "consciousness can explore past lives, the consciousness of animals, of a planet or of the entire cosmos". (read: Stanislav Grof and HalZina Bennet, "The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives" Harper Collins 1992).
Alternative realities
But we can go further because strange phenomena related to the whole human body seem to indicate that the latter is a gigantic "memory" which is not located somewhere in the body but everywhere, like a hologram. Proof of this is the study done by some researchers on organ transplants.
In a recent article by Dr. Paul Pearsall, Gary Schwartz (both professors of psychology and psychiatrist at Yale University) and Linda Russek (professor of medicine at the University of Arizona), these practitioners point out that was able to observe strange phenomena and changes of behavior quite bizarre with the transplanted: changes in eating habits, new unexplained passions for this or that artistic activity or sports, new phobias. Initially, doctors attributed these behavioral problems to the side effects of drugs given to transplant patients to prevent disorders of the immune system. But it became clear that these changes were related to the personalities of the donors.
William Novak, co-author of a book on the subject "A Change of Heart" speculates that there is a memorization at the cellular level or "cellular memories stored in transplanted organs". Nexus's article highlights sometimes fundamental personality changes. The human body can not be reduced to a complex assembly of organs and is therefore certainly not limited to chemical and electrochemical reactions but must be perceived as a vast open system of exchanges of energies and information. The image offered by the holographic model to the extent that memory and consciousness are not localized to organs is very attractive but know that there are many other models of explanation as Gerry Zeitlin indirectly points out in his interview.
What is consciousness?
If we start from the point of view that our universe is holographic, is a representation and a 3D projection of something more complex (this more complex thing would reside and be ordered in the morphogenetic fields?), What is the consciousness and the intelligence of a living being in this context? What is his place of residence? Only in the brain? Without brain, no consciousness? This is the point of view of some "mechanistic" physicists, philosophers and biologists. For them, the mind and the consciousness are useless concepts "because science is able to account for human behavior based on the electrochemical reactions of the brain alone" (Synchronicity, a bridge between mind and matter, David Peat, Editions The Mail).
Scientists who "amused themselves" at studying very simple organisms such as marine worms with a basic nervous system concluded that all the worms' behavior could be explained by a series of chemical and electrical reactions in the network. nervous of the beast. Therefore, the analogy with the man can be made, the man being only a mechanics infinitely more complex than the worm. The simplest behaviors can be explained by material processes. Although there is a considerable step to extrapolate and go from sea worm to human, neurologists claim that it is only a matter of degree of complexity. In other words, human behavior could be fragmented into a complex series of simple elements, each of which can be associated with an electrochemical process of the brain. There would be no need for "deus ex machina" of the mind to explain human behaviors "wrote David Peat about these" mechanistic "scientists.
In short, consciousness and intelligence have no mystery: they are just a series of electrical discharges and chemical reactions that are certainly very complex, infinitely complex in appearance, but ultimately simple and that generate what we call our intelligence. No need in this vision of a "consciousness" that hovers over the brain and uses it as a network and an antenna to live and develop thinking. Thinking is only an anecdotal consequence of these electrochemical reactions, a "witness" that the body works.
Sad vision that this makes man a pure machine but has the admirable virtue of reassuring scientists who need to show man that he is nothing and that science has all the power to explain everything. To use an analogy, an image that David Peat uses in his book to illustrate this concept, we could compare the man to a computer coupled with a sort of dashboard filled with small lamps. Whenever the computer "thinks" and elaborates calculation operations, small indicator lamps come on at certain speeds to pace the calculations and operations performed by the computer. Seen from the outside, for an uninformed observer, looking at these little lamps, he would say that the computer thinks, activates, giving us the spectacle of its intelligence working.
The consciousness of man would then be like these little lamps, an epiphenomenon of the internal electronic processes of the machine. Peat adds: "Thus our scientists support, just as the secret pancreas helps a liquid to aid the digestion of food, the physical nervous system would secrete consciousness to signal that the brain is functioning. This signal would have great advantages because it would reflect the current state of the various activities of the brain and indicate its modifications. But no more than the lamps of the computer would direct its internal functioning, this signal would direct the physical brain.
To this very sad, reductive, mechanistic vision of consciousness is opposed another vision which asserts that the order of things is far too complex to be summarized in a simple sequence of purely logical operations (event A followed by B followed by C, each thing being the logical consequence of the other in a continually predictable sequence). Quantum mechanics and the study of the infinitely small, elementary particles teach us on the contrary to remain modest, to tell us that it is simply stupid and vain to be able to foresee and summarize in a series of physical, chemical and predictable electric.
There are principles in physics where randomness, chaos, unpredictability and somehow, why not, free will prove to be fundamental principles.
There is no need to give precedence to matter by considering that matter directs everything (or commands consciousness which would be only an accessory thing). There is no need to separate artificially the spirit of matter, the consciousness of the brain as if one had no influence on the other. Everything is interdependent, as some other researchers in "anomalies" and quantum mechanics show so well.
We could even venture another image: matter is just a more dense level of the same reality of which the consciousness is one which is an extension of it on a less dense level.
There would be subtle orders in the matter. Instead of needing a hypothetical force of life to explain life, it turned out that we could understand this phenomenon by admitting that matter contains a range of broader and more subtle orders ... The concept of the material world has been continually expanded into ever greater fields of complexity and subtlety, up to the present day, where it is possible to speculate that this order will continue to be extended more and more deeply, without limit. says David Peat. Exit the dependence of consciousness on his so-called seat, the brain.
On the one hand, a large number of experiments have shown that this vision is false, on the other hand, a whole series of events that we call "paranormal" (or anomalies) like Synchronicity, but also the experiences of decorporation, remote viewing, and NDEs (near death experience) mean that consciousness does not necessarily need the brain "jelly" to function.
It seems that our consciousness needs above all this jelly, this "circumvolent" mass to capture and transmit information in the strict world of 3 D which is ours. This is at least the fascinating hypothesis of Nigel Kerner that we have already mentioned several times in Karmapolis. He goes further in his book (Song of the Grays) showing that the brain connected to the skeleton is a kind of multidirectional antenna with arms, legs, spine (a structure, a basic pattern that we found in all living beings, from the ant to the ox through man), an antenna capable of capturing a multitude of signals, to filter them, process them and transmit back to communicate and interact with the environment.
Our connection with God, divinity ; to know the "quality" of the signal that connects us to our creator, would be altered by the "entropic", chaotic nature of our imperfect 3D universe. But we come out a little of the subject.
To return to the hologram, our consciousness has holographic properties and perceives and analyzes the world and the universe around it as a holographic projection. Our eyes are comparable to the laser beam as well as our sense of touch, our hearing and our taste. It may sound crazy but in truth, there are no big differences between hearing, touching, taste and smell. These are just sensors and different levels of wave, energy and "particle" capture (odorous and taste particles, light particles, photons that hit the retina, etc.). A blind man manages to model in his consciousness an object by the touch and even with the tongue since it was discovered that the language included an incredible number of "sensors" very close to the eye sensors.
The brain would be able to model, to represent an object in 3 dimensions with the language if the person was deprived of his other senses. The image of the object "captured" by the "senses" (eyes, tongue, touch, etc.) is reconstructed in our head and is everywhere and nowhere in the brain. Like a hologram, it is not "stored" in a material, "physical" and precise area of the brain. This image is not the object but a virtual representation of the object.
This is to say how reality is a fluctuating thing, unreal, virtual, constituted mainly by information. A real Matrix?
This is what we will see in the second part of this file: how this whole system is organized and functioning. Can we structure and represent our universe in the form of this model? Welcome to the Matrix hypothesis.
To be continued…. Second part.